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Story Behind Freddie D. Uck

Ok! Freddie was brought over on a boat filled with rats, dead ducks, and random pigeons flying and shitting all over the place. The boat had very bad conditions. 2,578 ducks were on that boat when it left china and when it finally reached the United States only 5 were still alive but leaning towards death, but Freddie was smart and leaned the other way so he didn't fall off the boat the the port, Freddie was the only survivor of his kind. Freddie was then put onto a big truck and hauled cross country with a bunch of other "stuffed" animals. During Freddie's trip cross country he met up with a few of his freind that were housed in the same factory that he was later on Freddie learned that they were put into kindergarden class room and later died of "natural causes" (we all know what the "natural" is the friggin little brats!!!). Freddie reached Massachusetts on Febuary 5, 1999. After reaching the warehouse he was put into a crate of deformed animals (did you notice his eyes)and shoved into the corner marked "Fair and Claw Machine animals." Later on that week he was picked up and put onto another big truck and then brought to the magical city of Beverly Mass. Freddie was then brought to the nearby Ames department store and placed in the Claw Machine there and suffered severe head trauma from being crushed by all of the deformed,retarded, and cheap stuffed animals that were place in after him. One day a butcher named Kc walked into Ames and saw this poor, innocent, suicidal, paralized, pigeon liking, friendly, and radical duck he said to himself "Self i want that duck i feel bad for him and i want to give him a home." So this cow slaughterer took out 2 shiny quarters and placed them near the slot of the machine and said out loud "Here we go." With that he place the quarters into the machine and presto the claw started to move he placed it right over the injured duck's head and pressed the red button, he sat there and watch as the claw moved down toward the duck it closed!! No duck!! "Dammit" he said. He took out a crisp dollar bill and gave it to one of the clerks and said give me 4 quaters NOW!!! The clerk said "Right away sir." In 15 sec. the butcher had his quarters. He walked back over to the nice slim machine and placed his hand down by the coin slot. OH NO he droped the quarter!! He serched under the machine but nothing was there!!! He thought " OH NO this is the end" He got on his hands and Knees and put his head under the machine and used his mouth as a vaccume and sucked up the quarter, he then spit it out into his hand. He placed the quarter back to the slot put 2 quarters in. Again the magical claw started to move he placed it over the Praying ducks head and pressed the button!! He got it!!! the claw moved back over the hole and droped it!! The man with the skill was all excited!! He reached his hand in the deposit box and i saw a tear come to his eye!! THE DUCK WAS STUCK IN THE PIPE!! He quickly put 2 more quarters in teh machine and pressed the button right away attempting to knock the duck down but it didnt work!! He quickly ran over to the clerk and said "My duck is stuck in the pipe help me" The clerk said "There is nothing i can do!!." By this time the young man with a cleaver was histarical crying every chance he got. The clerk said "we can put a sign on the machine that says out of order and you can come back tommorow and get it." Kc agreed and went home he thought of the duck looking up at him with a sad face the hole night he could not sleep. The next day he was so excited he went back to the store that has stolen his freedom to win "stuffed animals" and get them the minute he won them. He walked in and saw a sign but the duck was still stuck!! He went up to the clerk and said "What about my duck?" The clerk said that he was sorry but there was nothing he could do. So the magical paper boy, Eric, said "Quick get the coat hanger we will save him!!!" So the man with the evil paperbag ran to the counter and picked up a coat hanger and broke it in half and gave it to the butcher. Within seconds the coat hanger was up in the machine reaching for the starved duck. "HE GOT IT" the papermaster screamed. The duck was free at last!! He was checked out by medical staff that was standing by and he had no life threatening injuries so they let him go home with the pig shreader. He got back home safely and the young paper chief gave him his name "Freddie D. Uck." Freddie is now doing well with his head trauma he still goes to theropy and laser quest to help with the pain. To see Freddie and all his freinds all across america look at the pictures below!!! Freddie's Magical Links

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