My idea is to sort of use the telekinetic action of the minds of
people such as Usenet newsgroup readers, to help uplift spirits of all
people everywhere (except the ones who should not be uplifted).

This is rational I'll explain to you an original insight I figured
out. Just as you could not hear the drumbeats produced by the mind of
the drummer if God blocked the sound waves, so also another type of
action of God, interference as opposed to non-interference, allows the
benevolent thoughts in the mind of a praying person to have effect on
others. (this does not mean God approves of everything he allows to
happen). So if you do something such as read the poetic prayer I wrote
you can find below, you might really be able to accomplish something.

By now anti-religious noises produced with regularity by the
argumentative might be beginning to echo through your head. The best
way I know to quiet such echoes is to point out that the scriptures
have more than once declared, that most of God's thoughts words and
deeds are not recorded in scripture.


That God would grant unto all people everywhere
excepting those too evil to be so blessed
that there be an increase in virtue is today's prayer
Hear us Lord Father heed these our prayer requests
For these virtues are like skills of athletic conquest
that make us more proficient in the spiritual contest
more able to be by your Spirit more posessed
more able to defeat enemy forces unblessed
Which are the forces that reduce the number of minutes
in our lives that we spend intoxicated by God's Spirit
the forces that lower the level of intoxication
we are able to achieve even in our exaltation
But all the while help us to charitably understand
that though kind deeds can help someone feel blessed
such acts of kindness done according to your commands
may not have made that someone into a better man
but rather may have helped him to feel sorrow less 
help us all, God to be more content with the basics of life
more steadfast and unmoveable in heavenly strife
more able to acquit ourselves like men and be strong
not terrified, shaken or troubled when things go wrong
Give us more endurance of hardness as good soldiers of the Lord
help us to be less disrupted in our spiritual lives
by worldly sorrows and joys by good or bad wives
less hurt by persecution distress and famine and sword
And let not our concern for those we are married to
divert us from good paths right for us set by you
Help us God to be more spiritually minded and fit,
to follow more closely the leadership of your Spirit
Let there be less quenching of Spirit amongst wits
God make us more holy, more filled with the spirit
more filled with the godly grace your power transmits
Let there be amongst us and everywhere here and abroad
more praise fear and service to the God  we should adore
more rejoicing in  God more thankfulness to the Lord
Help us and all in climates both warm and colder
to become more careful circumspect and sober
Help us abstain from all appearance of evil
make our bodies more holy more conformed to thy will
more worthy of being with your Spirit instilled
Help us God to become more hardworking and diligent
and to lessen our part in noisiness and entanglements
that contradict God's will and the teachings of the prophets 
Help us to be less improperly judgemental of sins
and to become more approving of all excellent things
Help us to increase in kindness, blessing and forgiveness
with regards to enemies and persecutors among us
Give us more kindness longsuffering and forbearance 
more gentleness, tenderheartedness and patience 
Help us to be more peaceful empathetic and sympathetic
and grant that within us there may exist non-synthetic
more love of other persons and of all humans 
more brotherly love and more love of good persons 
more love between wives of the world and their husbands 
Let there be more prayer offered for all persons
and more adherence to the dictates of conscience
more good manners and good behaviour in everyone
Help us to increase amongst us and all persons 
virtues of blamelesness, worthiness, and harmlesness 
and cheerful mercifulness and hospitality, 
and help decrease conduct that harms others spiritually 
Grant us God that people be more properly subject to 
the government powers truly ordained by you 
and that diligence and goodness of governments improve
Let there be more quantity and quality found in all nations
in terms of wise and knowledgeable exhortation 
More good ministering and teaching and education 
more prophesying of God's truths for edification 
more helpful healing and godly comforting of persons 
more distribution of necessities to all, 
especially to good persons who've answered your call 
more relief of the afflicted, as said Saint Paul
more of goodness, and of righteousness and good works 
more of the doing of the will of the Lord on earth 
Let there be everywhere more heavenly signs
more miracles wonders and mighty deeds divine
more admonishment and abhorrence of evil 
more reproval of dark works done against God's will 
more anger against the enemy the devil 
God our father insofar as your will permits help us 
so children show more godly obedience and honor to parents 
God grant that parents not be abusive to their children 
that a better job of running the families be done 
and that parents improve as providers for their little ones 
Grant among us and everywhere, O God of good deeds 
that we may all increase in the virtues described 
so that we may become better spiritual athletes, 
and achieve greater success in obtaining the prize, 
Your great Holy Spirit that we want in our lives
I ask all this of thee God in the name of Yayzoos your son
now known amongst mankind as Jesus Christ of the christians