My idea is to sort of use the (for lack of a better word) telekinetic
action of the minds of people such as Usenet newsgroup readers, to
help uplift spirits of all people everywhere (except the ones who
should not be uplifted).

This is logical I'll explain to you an original insight I figured out.
Just as you could not hear the drumbeats produced by the mind of the
drummer if God blocked the sound waves, so also another type of action
of God, interference as opposed to non-interference, allows the
benevolent thoughts in the mind of a praying person to have effect on
others. (this does not mean God approves of everything he allows to
happen). So if you do something such as read the poetic prayer I wrote
you can find below, you might really be able to accomplish something.

Alot of people have been losing their sense of religion because of
quibblings regarding things written in the officially sacred books of
religions. My response to this is to declare, that the scriptures have
more than once declared, that most of God's thoughts words and actions
are not recorded in scripture.


Although we are tought by prophets to bless our enemies 
we are also tought of those whom we should not wish godspeed 
We do'nt understand the exact difference we read 
between blessing someone and wishing him godspeed 
So excepting those unworthy of these benedictions 
that God would grant unto us and all everywhere 
that we would by focusing our thoughts on heaven 
fly higher drawing closer to God is today's prayer 
For we are like outerspace travelers on a trip 
seeking to attain magnificent destinations 
both now and in coming hereafter incarnations 
and our thoughts are a fuel that powers our spaceships 
So help us astronauts add to our rocket fuel today 
thoughts focused on the nature of the heaven to which we pray 
thoughts of heaven in the now and heaven in the hereafter days 
God help us empower these thoughts which are our rocket fuel 
So growing in love of your Spirit we fly closer to you 
Help us the space-travelers to spend more time feeling 
thy Spirit's presence within us thanks to thy healing 
Help us so godly intoxications we feel when we feel them 
grow ever stronger thanks to our thought fuel propelled stratagem 
God help us to thankfully commit to remembrance 
the words of the prophet that neither angels nor death 
nor principalities nor powers nor things present 
nor future events that are to come nor height nor depth 
nor any creature could separate the prophet's church
from the love of the God of heaven who made the earth
God help to keep us from ungratefully forgetting, 
that human eyes have not seen, human ears have not heard 
and human hearts have not understood what's beyond words 
which is the things God has prepared for them that love him 
Help us wisely recall the man caught up to the third paradise 
who heard unspeakable words that are not lawful to verbalize 
Help us remember the kingdom of God's citizens 
shall be raised in glory power and incorruption 
when they're raised from death to enter into the heavens 
Help us wisely recall that God's kingdom here and in heaven 
is a great kingdom of peace and blessing and incorruption 
a good kingdom mighty in strength and in power
a kingdom filled with riches of glory and honor 
God grant to us that our thoughts of things such as heaven above,
like rocket fuel powering spacecraft with a godly love,
propel our souls to magnificent destinations
and help us to mentally spend in elation 
ever greater lengths of time at the wonderful stations 
I ask all this of thee God in the name of Yayzoos your son
now by the name Jesus known amongst the nations 

@2003 David Virgil Hobbs