A 2 minute poetic prayer requesting that God would help the poet/reader of the poem and others with regards to their sleep problems search onekey.com for sleep prayer
By David V Hobbs

G od asking that thou wouldst help me I now pray to thee
asking you to give me wisdom and strength and give me a break
so that I'll go to sleep and sleep and become awake
closer to the times and at the times that are right for me
And during the time that I am sleeping God help me
so that my heart mind and soul are set the way they should be
Scriptures tell us that there is something called a sweet sleep
so God let this sweetness of sleep be mine also to keep
I ask this of you God in memory of how Yayzoos your son
dignified sleep by sleeping during his earthly incarnation
And in memory of how when Yayzoos and his disciples
were in a boat that was caught in a storm on the sea
despite being in the midst of a storm that was terrible
Christ Yayzoos the Son of God had fallen asleep
And his disciples came to him and woke him out of sleep
and said, Lord, save us, we perish we'll all drown in the deep
and Lord Yayzoos awoke and scolded the winds and the sea
and then there was a great calm on that Sea of Galilee
And the disciples said what manner of a man is this man
that even the winds and the sea obey his commands
And I ask these things in memory of how before he died
during the night before he was betrayed and crucified
At one time Christ complained to his disciples who were sleeping
that they were sleeping when they should be awake and praying
But later he suggested sleep to the drowsy band
but right after he said this Judas caught him by surprise
and then Christ told the disciples that it was time for them to rise
and said, let us be going, he that betrayeth me is at hand
And in general aside from good sleep as a specific goal
I request of thee God that in the coming days
you would respond to thoughts I think and words I speak when I pray
and help me to rise closer to thee in my heart mind and soul
And excepting those for whom it's not the will of God in heaven
that we should ask God to give such things to such persons
All things I ask for myself now in this prayer
I ask also for all persons everywhere
I ask these things of thee God in the angel bestowed name
of thy son Christ Yayzoos who by the name Jesus is famed

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@1999 David V Hobbs