By David V Hobbs

N ow again I pray in remembrance of scriptural stories
recalling certain lessons taught by God's Son in His glory
Which show that I was in the path of the wisdom of old
when I achieved a state of spirit that was full of glory
when I was feeling dissatisfied with my state of soul
and feeling a thirst for God and an absence of hubris
And also truly within my spirit and inner being
feeling that repentance that is at the core of Christ's teaching
Remembering how some told Yayzoos about the Galileans
who were sentenced to death by the governor sent by the Romans
and who were themselves killed while they were sacrificing animals
so their human blood and the blood of the animals was mingled
And Yayzoos answering said unto the people there
suppose ye that these who died because of the governor's decree
were more sinful than the other people in Galilee
because they were executed but the others were spared?
I tell you, nay, they were not more sinful than the other ones
and unless ye repent, ye shall also encounter destruction
And regarding those eighteen people in the town
who were killed by the tower when the tower fell down
Do you suppose that they were more sinful and less good
than the others who lived in the town where that tower once stood?
I tell you, nay, they were'nt more sinful than those who survived the event
and ye shall all likewise perish unless ye repent
And so God that time spent hearing these words of ancient days
becomes time that helps us to truly repent is what I pray
Help me God so these memories of words these scriptures transmit
help me to improve and draw closer to thee in spirit
And in general aside from such specific scriptures
God help my spirit to draw closer to God the creator
Help me God by forgiving me for my transgressions
and heal me of damage to my spirit and brain
that I have brought upon myself through sinful thoughts words and actions
so my faults do'nt weight me down due to your wrath and disdain
And excepting those for whom it's not the will of Christ the king
that we should request that such things be given to such earthlings
All blessings I request for myself in this prayer I pray
I ask also to be given to all who are alive today
In the name of Yayzoos the Son of God I ask these things of thee
Yayzoos who by the name Jesus is now known to humanity

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@1999 David V Hobbs