My idea is to sort of use the (for lack of a better word) telekinetic
action of the minds of people such as Usenet newsgroup readers, to
help uplift spirits of all people everywhere (except the ones who
should not be uplifted).

This is logical I'll explain to you an original insight I figured out.
Just as you could not hear the drumbeats produced by the mind of the
drummer if God blocked the sound waves, so also another type of action
of God, interference as opposed to non-interference, allows the
benevolent thoughts in the mind of a praying person to have effect on
others. (this does not mean God approves of everything he allows to
happen). So if you do something such as read the poetic prayer I wrote
you can find below, you might really be able to accomplish something.

Alot of people have been losing their sense of religion because of
quibblings regarding things written in the officially sacred books of
religions. My response to this is to declare, that the scriptures have
more than once declared, that most of God's thoughts words and actions
are not recorded in scripture.


Excepting those for whom we should not ask such for in prayer 
That God would grant unto us and unto all everywhere 
That we become more proficient in God's psychological tricks 
is the prayer we aspiring tricksters now to God submit 
For we are like mountain climbers seeking to attain, 
ever greater heights in our emotions spirits and brains 
And there are attitudes that better our climbing ability 
that are virtuous but bear a greater similarity 
to psychological tricks than do most virtuousities 
Help us, God to keep our minds from being obsessed 
with worries and cares regarding future events 
Help us to keep our minds in the state of mind you prefer 
focused enough on the day's problems that each day occur 
so our minds wo'nt wander too much to problems of the future 
Help us avoid thinking too much day in and day out 
about things we can do little or nothing about 
Help us focus our minds on things of truth and honesty 
focused on the things that are just and pure and lovely 
focused on things that are virtuous and praiseworthy 
Help us God to be childlike without acting childishly 
and to do what we do whatever we do heartily 
Help us set our affections on things above, not below 
Help us love thy spirit more than any person we know 
Lord God help us to keep our minds and our eyes from straying 
into excessive misplaced lusts is what we are praying. 
Help us to avoid too much sorrow regarding those who have died, 
remembering those who have died in God shall be raised by and by 
Inspire us to create thankful psalms chants and songs 
that inspire us and others and make our souls strong
Help us to develop that mountain moving faith 
whereby we can receive the things for which we pray 
when we believe things we ask for will come our way 
But keep us from the error that might lead us to hell 
that we can obtain salvation and God's spirit and spell 
By such mountain moving faith alone absent all else 
Help us God, to develop the attitudes that are right 
so we'll spend more time high up on the mountain of delight 
and so we will be able to reach ever greater heights. 
I ask all this of you God in the name of Yayzoos your son, 
now known as the son of God Lord Jesus Christ of the Christians 

@2003 David Virgil Hobbs