By David V Hobbs

T here are about twentyfive references to dreams in scripture
and about twenty four at least imply that dreams are important
so God I pray to you now, that you would help me like a doctor
so that the dreams I have had in the past about the sirs and hers
would have a good effect on my soul that after God does hunt
Help my mind, so that my mind interprets the dreams
in a way that is according to your heavenly will
and produces good and godly results for me
so that my soul can experience godly thrills
Help me, most powerful God, so that in the future my dreams
are such that these dreams that I have produce not an evil
but rather a good and godly effect on me
an effect that helps me to overcome the devil
And help me so that in the future days to come
I interpret the experiences I have in future dreams
in such a way that these future interpretations
produce a good and godly result for me
God, I pray to you that the reading of these words
would have the effect of improving my heart mind and soul
and also improving everyone else in the world
so that in the future a happy history will be told
I ask these things of you most powerful God in the name
of your son Yayzoos who by the name Jesus amongst us is famed

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@1999 David V Hobbs