NOTE: in many of my poetry pages the introductory notes are basically
the same. This does not mean the poems are all the same.

My idea is to sort of use the (for lack of a better word) telekinetic
action of the minds of people such as newsgroup readers, to help
uplift spirits of all people everywhere (except the ones who should
not be uplifted).

This is logical I'll explain to you an original insight I figured out.
Just as you could not hear the drumbeats produced by the mind of the
drummer if God blocked the sound waves, so also another type of action
of God, interference as opposed to non-interference, allows the
benevolent thoughts in the mind of a praying person to have effect on
others. (this does not mean God approves of everything he allows to
happen). So if you do something such as read the prayer poem I wrote
you can find below, you might really be able to accomplish something.

Alot of people have been losing their sense of religion because of
quibblings regarding things written in the officially sacred books of
religions. My response to this is to state, that the scriptures have
more than once declared, that most of God's thoughts words and actions
are not recorded in scripture.


Excepting those regarding whom it is not God's intent 
that we should ask the God of prayers to give them such things 
God grant unto all and especially to us the blessings 
we now request for all those who are here at this event 
God help us spend more minutes of these our lives we pray for
more appreciative of the things we appreciate more
in our moments closest to the God you have commanded mankind 
to love with all of its heart all of its soul and all of its mind 
God help us spend more time more enthralled by the beauty of nature 
in a state of mind appreciative of the divine skill 
visible to us in our moments close to God's Spirit 
that the great artist God shows through his works on earth
Help us find more exuberance in activities we find 
unexciting when we are in everyday states of mind 
Help us appreciate how everyday persons 
have the status of being God's lovable children 
God help us to have more godly appreciation 
for graceful and beautiful and lovable persons 
Help us appreciate simple things such as how water flows 
off buildings in patterns resembling the greek columns of old 
and the intricate divinely artistic architecture 
that can be seen in leaves stems and branches in the plants on earth 
and the position and placement of the sun moon and world we're in
all divinely beautiful because of their divine origin
Help us to be more thrilled by things like beauty of truths in
more entranced by the magical writing style of inspired writers 
and more appreciative of inspired music and architecture 
Help us Father God so that more minutes of our lives 
are spent in states of mind that are like the states of mind 
that we have in dream like states and dreams that are touched by God's
and that are like the states of mind in our holiest waking hours 
In general aside from things I've asked for specifically 
Help us God to fly higher closer to you spiritually 
All things that I in prayer ask of thee God for all and for us
I ask in the name of Yayzoos who is now known as Jesus 

@2003 David Virgil Hobbs