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Does anyone remember the band HEAVEN, not the Australian band, but the fantastic Nowegian AOR band? They released the almost AOR Classic LP 'Take me back', an instant winner for fans of bands like TREAT, SKAGARACK, DAVINCI...

Well, the band is now called HULDRA and they have started to sing their songs in their own language, but happily the music is still classy AOR. Their latest CD release 'Neste morgens lys' is a great AOR release that reminds me of BRETT WALKER's first CD, only with Norwegian lyrics of course. Anyway, I had a little chat with the band...

Your band is the same band that released under the name HEAVEN a fantastic pure AOR/Melodic Rockalbum several years ago, please tell us all about the beginning of your band?

Heaven started in 1987, with 5 musicians with the same music taste. The members had experiences from other hard-rock bands, who were active in the beginning of the 80's.

Can you tell us all about your first CD as HEAVEN?

Our first album as HEAVEN was recorded at "slager-studio's" in Oslo in 1989. After sometime with running between record's companys, we signed a contract for the album "TAKE ME BACK".

Did you have much success with the album?

The album gave us a number one hit on Norwegian radio's. It also gave us the opportunity to tour across the country for two years.

What happened after the release of 'Take me back'?

After the release of "Take me back" on a promo-radiosingel, many doors seem to open for the band, such as tv-shows and music-videos.

Why did you change your bandname and also tell us why you decided to sing in Norwegian instead of English like on the HEAVEN record?

The band broke up in the end of 1991, but three of the former members decided to write lyrics in Norwegian. After making a few songs, we decided to give it a try, but also doing our best to keep some of the former sound.

Now you have released a new CD as HULDRA, can you tell us all about it?

Our newest album "NESTE MORGENS LYS",(or in English "Early morning light", Was recorded in Haugesund, our home-town At the west coast of Norway. After choosing among 30 different song's, we came up with 11 tracks. We feel that there is a kind of balance between the softest songs, and the more as we call straight forward rock'n roll. The song "Naboens broed" has been released on radio's since late august, and the song "me ska komma tebakers" will be promoted for radio in january.(2002)

Your music is very much based around typical 80s Scandi AOR/Melodic Rock, which bands influenced you?

The typical 80's sound has been following most of the members since band like Thin Lizzy, Rainbow, Whitesnake,had their tribute.Also band like Deep Purple are stuff we listening to(even today).

Do you have any contacts with major labels?

We have just sign a contract whit one of Norway's biggest distrubutions companies, and we think that this is right ting for us today. Our music is released on our own label.

Are you popular in your area?

It has been a busy time traveling beetween the different radios and smaler local TV's. Huldra have also starting to tour the west-coast,but the most gigs are set between january and august 2002.

What are the plans for the next coming months?

Our plans for the coming months will of course be touring as much as posible, but as you now Norway has a very long coast. To do conserts in the most important city's will probably take more than some months.

Finally, do you have anything to add to our readers?

If you want to know more about"HULDRA", you can meet us at