In 1992
Mystery at last achieved to return with their debut full-length Lp 'Angelo Perlepes Mystery'.
For the third time,a guitar player(Nigel Foxxe,Dimitris Katis were the first ones)formed a group to fulfill his personal ambitions and to be completely the vehicle for his personal musical quest.
'Mystery' is a very good Lp which consists of guitar-based songs in the likes of Y.Malmsteen/Alcatrazz/Rainbow and Impelliteri.Although Angelo Perlepes was accused of being
egocentric and Ritchie Blackmoore's rip-off(not totally unfairly),he has offered in this LP some
exciting guitar work and very interesting songs like the highlights, 'Mystery', 'Unicorn' and the
instrumental 'Angelo's Capricio'.The good news is that Angelo and his band were back in 1998 with
a new album(that is only available as a promo-CD)!!!
In 1993 one of Greece's premier unsigned epic metal bands,
Crush, stroke with a fantastic heavy metal
thunder on vinyl only,named 'Kingdom of the Kings'.This four-member band from a suburb of
Athens with that self-financed release,elevated on the heavy metal elite,presenting some of the
greatest and most ferocious songs in every metal genre.If there was one album that you should
definitely get in your collection as a sample of pure Greek heavy power metal as meant in the
'80s ,that is 'Kingdom of the kings'.Also,the cover of the album is outstanding.Crush still exist
today as a live band with the replacement of their bass player,they have written only one new
composition all this time.They have a hardcore following and are one of the most beloved bands
in Greece today.If they had kept trying a bit more I think they would have 'CRUSH'ed many
so-called 'great' foreign bands.We're expecting their next move with anxiety.
In 1992-93 the Greek metal bands took a bite from the 'forbidden fruit':progressive metal.The formerly epic metal band
Guardian Angel caused a slight dissapointment to their fans.After various
line-up changes the music style of the band was altered from pure epic metal(monument of this era
is the magnificent demo 'Travelling on the wings of eternity')to progressive oriented metal.A 7''
single 'Beyond the twilight'(Cygnus Records,1994) managed to counterbalance the negative impressions of this musical turn,containing two high quality progressive metal songs;especially
the same titled composition is outstanding!Despite this,none of the older fans were too optimistic
about the future of the band as it was already known that Guardian Angel planned to get even more
deeply into the progressive metal area.And so did happen,some years later with their mini-CD
'Oblivion Seas'.
Another fair band of the time(1994) from Thessaloniki was that of
Fourth Dimension.They began as
a four-member band in 1992 and they had a 5-songer promo-tape with nice speed/power metal songs.In 1994 they put out on Wipe Out Records their debut 12'' 'Novo' featuring three good
compositions in a more classic-speed style.Their status is ignored but I assume they must have broken-up.
One of the highlights of the '90s Greek metal was
Dark Nova.Its debut album 'The dark Rhapsodies',
is a fine sample of epic/dark/technical power-speed metal with imaginative guitars,majestic vocal lines and great compositions.It's still beyond my comprehension how a band of such quality,didn't
make it to the top.Songs like 'Twilight star','Avenger',the instrumental 'Haunted Forest' but also
most of the rest,placed the band in the power metal elite of the '90s!It's too bad that almost noone
outside Greece had the chance to make the acquaintance to the music of the band.After some live
shows and a promo tape,the band dissapeared without a trace.
In 1994 another legendary Greek metal outfit from Thessaloniki,
Sarissa, came into light(leaving temporary
the underground dungeons)with their same-titled CD-release.Another masterpiece of Greek metal was achieved and that was,to say the least,a good ending for a band that had a cult following from their demo days.
In 1995 one of my favourite demo bands returned with their only up to date offical recording,a 7''
single entitled 'Sire of the storm'(Dark Side Records) featuring 2 tracks.The band is none other than the 5 epic metallers from Athens,
Reflection. 'When immortals die' is a top-notch composition that ranks among my fave metal songs of all time.Reflection had some problems with
their military/university obligations of some of their members;that's why apart from a great promo
tape in 1996 they put out nothing new(actually now they have a new CD
out-but I will let you know more about it soon!).Check that band,it's worth it.
After the mid-nineties(this article was supposed to cover mainly the '80-'95 era)a great deal of true
metal bands emerged assuring the future of the greek metal scene.The Greek underground metal
labels have taken the fate of the Greek metal scene in their hands and so recently the number of true
Metal official releases has increased.Marauder,Wisdom,Powercrue,Fortress Under Siege,Outcast,
Powerdrops,Depression,Horizon's End,Hatred,Clairvoyant,Inner Wish(Manos' note:Inner Wish put out the best Greek metal CD of all time,called 'Waiting for the dawn',unfortunately the CD,that came in 1998,was limited to 500 copies and they are all gone!),Guardian Angel,Secret's
Keeprer,and few more have started the heavy/power/progressive metal counter-attack which
will make the rest of the world lay its eyes on the Greek true metal scene.The Greek metal bands
will keep on defying the music trends for a long time thereafter and one thing is for sure:Even
if metal fades away some day,one of the last bands that will be playing metal it will be definitely,
A Greek one!!!!!!!

ALL TIME GREEK METAL ALBUMS TOP TEN(in our opinion-in order of preference):
1)Crush "Kingdom of the Kings"
2)Sarissa "Sarissa"
3)Dark Nova "The dark Rhapsodies"
4)Vavel "Vavel"
-Spitfire "First Attack"
6)Guardian Angel "Beyond the Twilight"
7)Northwind "Mythology"
8)Exoristoi "Exoristoi"
9)Reflection "Sire of the storm"
10)Mystery "Mystery"