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O our Mother the Earth...

O our Father the Sky

Your children are we, and with tired backs

We bring you the gifts you love.

Then weave for us a garment of brightness;

May the warp be the white light of morning.

May the weft be the red light of evening.

May the fringes be the falling rain.

May the border be the standing rainbow.

Thus weave for us a garment of brightness.

That we may walk fittingly where birds sing.

That we may walk fittingly where grass is green.

O our Mother the Earth...

O our Father the sky.

To me, a traditional woman is someone

who believes in the basic principles of life,

such as the concept of generosity, giving away,

the lack of attachment to material things.

Its knowing you can have something for a while

and then to cut away.

Tillie Black Bear(Tunweya Win)

Sweat Lodge

"They cleanse and strengthen the life force"

This ceremony symbolizes rebirth, regeneration.

The ceremony recreates the time of different motion

when all life, matter, motion and power were one.

We believe that every person

must be "clean" in thought, spirit, emotion

and body.

This ceremony allows us to cleanse ourselves

while strenghtening ourselves.

Wiwayank Wacipi

"Where they move to song, seeking to take the pain of the

universe and make it complete again"

We believe that a man can truly "own,"

other than their name while they live.

To have the ability to know, love, hate

and to take suffering on behalf of another.

In this ceremony of fasting from food

and water while dancing for four days,

the participants seek healing for creation

by taking pain so that nothing else

will have to suffer.

Theres an awakening among all people.

The spiritual energy for truth is upon the earth.

We are spiritual beings in earth bodies who need

to recognize the spiritual principles within ourselves.

We can't hide behind race, gender or institutions anymore.

We must come in tune with the physicalness of what

is around us so we can walk a balanced life.

Then we will know the creator is present everywhere.

Gene Thin Elk(Isna Icaga)

Each Livings Thing's Sacred Space Lives In Between

The In Breath And The Out Breath

We Cannot Always See Its Outer Boundaries,

But The Center Of Its Home Is Nestled

In The Space Between Two Heartbeats.

Jamie Sams (Earth Medicine)


Now You Will Feel No Rain

For Each Of You Will Be Shelter For The Other

Now You Will Feel No Cold

For Each Of You Will Be Warmth For The Other.

Now There Is No Lonliness For You

Now You Are Two Persons

But There Is Only One Life Before You

Go Now To Your Dwelling Place

To Enter Into The Days Of Your Togetherness

And May Your Days Be Good And Long Together.

Let us all live together and learn from each other......

for we are "brothers" and "sisters" within.

In our hearts and our souls....We are truly one.

A Must See Page!!

Kindred Spirit

Silverhawk's Graphics

Thank you for your beautiful graphics....and for allowing me to display them....:)

I am so very proud of this award....Thank you Spirit Wolf...


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Shayna's Pages Created With Love

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