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My first tour was as a lieutenant platoon commander with 2 truck company in CFB Borden, Ont. That was back when the forces were integrated and we all wore green uniforms. Was my only exposure to army type stuff (big guns, long walks, etc).

In 1975, I was posted to Edmonton, Alta as a Mobile Air Movements Officer. Basically, we loaded and unloaded the Hercs with freight, vehicles and passengers for various worldwide destinations. Here I also qualified as a TAL (tactical airlift) and LAPES (low altitude para-extraction systems) dispatcher. Dropping big things out the back of hercs with parachutes attached. One memorable event in Edmonton was when we were tasked to assist in the recovery of the crashed Russian satellite from the NWT.

Talk about cold!

Posted to Trenton in 1981. I was cabin crew leader at 437 (boeing 707) Sqn. Responsible for 35 flight attendants, 35 flight stewards, and 18 loadmasters. During my 4 years at 437 I managed to fly to many countries as well as a couple round the globe trips. Also carried many dignitaries at times, the Queen, the PM, Queen mom, etc.

From 1984-89 I paid my dues as a staff officer in National Defence Headquarters, Ottawa. It was during this tour that I became involved in Information Technology/computer systems.

Having served faithfully for 5 years at NDHQ, I was rewarded with a posting to the Canadian Defence Liaison Staff in London England, where I was staff officer for all movements/logistics into/out of & thru the UK. That was the best tour I had unfortunatley/fortunately I was promoted out of the job after 2 years.

As a Major, I was posted back to Trenton to the position of Wing Transportation Officer which was a much sought after job for a new major. After the normal 3 year tour I was posted back to NDHQ in 1993.

This time to the Directorate of Information Managment as project director of a $120 million project to computerize/automate much of the administrative work in the department. BANG!!! In march 94 my project was cancelled due to cutbacks. At the same time after an annual medical, I was admitted for 2 weeks of tests in the hospital. Following that I was diagnosed with OPCA and never returned to duty. Officially released Jan 02, 1997.