www.tinyurl.com/wabanoong www.tinyurl.com/wabanoongmain ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \\\\\___ WABANOONG COMMUNICATIONS ___\"-._ /////~~~aboriginal fine arts & culture~~~/.-' _____________________________________________________________________________ SHELLEY CHARLES BIOGRAPHY _____________________________________________________________________________ OCC/CCDI CONFERENCE 2006 Conversations by the Lake KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Shelley Charles _____________________________________________________________________________ BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Imaging the Face of the Aboriginal Presence in Toronto Shelley Charles, Maskinonge Dodaym (Fish Clan), is an Ojibway of the Georgina Island First Nation Community. She has been working in the Aboriginal community for 20 years and is presently Director of Wabanoong Communications, and Board Member for Frontiers Foundation. Shelley works with Indigenous artists from across Canada developing strategies for networking, increasing and encouraging communication and dialogue within the arts and cultural community. As a traditional singer, arts director and grassroots community worker she brings the Indigenous vision, knowledge and worldview to a wide contemporary audience. Shelley is presently working on a Masters Degree in Indigenous Knowledge and Philosophy at the Seven Generation Indigenous Educational Institute. Shelley is a spokesperson and National Advocate for issues concerning Aboriginal Women, Employment Equity and for the Arts and Cultural sector with an emphasis on Policy Development, Strategic Development, Youth and people with Special Needs. She has worked with Native and Non Native organizations and groups across Canada to assist in encouraging partnerships, education and building overall awareness of issues concerning Aboriginal people in the urban environment. FROM: http://studentservices.humber.ca/conf2006/speakers_ShelleyCharles.htm _____________________________________________________________________________ UPDATE August 28th, 2015 Congratulations to Shelley Charles I am pleased to announce that Shelley Charles, Humber’s Elder and Advisor on Aboriginal Relations, has completed and been awarded a Master’s Degree in Indigenous Philosophy. This MA degree along with the PhD in Indigenous Philosophy are the first of their kind, and are granted through a partnership with Seven Generations Education Institute* (SGEI) and the World Indigenous Nations University (WINU), and endorsed by the World Indigenous Higher Education Consortium (WINHEC). Shelley travelled to Fort Frances, Ontario to receive her degree during the World Indigenous Knowledge Gathering in Treaty 3 Regions. The ceremony was held in Naicatchewenin First Nation, with several VIPs and dignitaries in attendance, including Aboriginal Affairs Minister David Zimmer, Chief Isadore Day, elders Gilbert Smith and Fred Kelly. Community Jingle Dress dancers and youth came out to honour all degree recipients, including indigenous people from New Zealand, Australia, Norway and California who also received various degrees and accreditation. Of the honor, Shelley says “I have waited a long time to participate in this ceremony to receive this Masters of Indigenous Philosophy and it was such an awesome and humbling experience to be acknowledged by our youth and the elders. Indigenous Philosophy or Aanda Wiinjigewin incorporates all levels of indigenous knowledge, not just academic study in higher education.” Shelley continues to provide excellent guidance and education on Aboriginal issues to the college, and leadership to our Aboriginal students in culturally appropriate initiatives and opportunities to support their success. Please join me in congratulating Shelley on this attainment. Jason Hunter Vice President, Student and Community Engagement *Seven Generations is an aboriginal education institute located in the Treaty 3 Region of northern Ontario and includes members from: Big Island, Big Grassy, Couchiching, Lac La Croix, Onigaming, Rainey River, Seine River, Nicickousemenecaning, Mitaanjigaming and Naicatchewenin First Nations. Their degree programs have universal endorsement from the WINU and WINHEC Indigenous Education Institutes Copy & Paste the following URL into your Browser's Location Box to view Picture of Shelley Charles: http://www.humber.ca/staff/sites/default/files/ShelleyCharles08.15_0.jpeg From: http://humber.ca/staff/announcement/congratulations-shelley-charles ____________________________________________________________________________ HUMBER COLLEGE COMMUNIQUE Aboriginal Relations Restructuring Announcement April 4, 2016 I am pleased to announce restructuring within the Division of Student and Community Engagement. Beginning April 4th, Shelley Charles, Elder and Advisor on Aboriginal Relations, will report to the Vice President, Student and Community Engagement. This restructuring is consistent with federal, provincial and institutional direction recognizing the priority of advancing Indigenous student success and access to culturally relevant education opportunities. I’d like to acknowledge the commitment of Jen McMillen, in her role as Dean of Students, to supporting the important work that has happened to date. The relationship between Student Success & Engagement and the Aboriginal Resource Centre will continue to be integral in supporting our Indigenous students. Key components of Shelley’s portfolio include: External Aboriginal Community Relations and Outreach Advising on Internal Relations and Partnerships Management of the Aboriginal Resource Centre Cultural Programming/Education Shelley is an Alumnus of the Landscape Technology, Horticulture Science Program of Humber College. Her father was an instructor at Humber and her son graduated from the Arboriculture Program in 2010. Shelley has worked extensively in First Nation communities with youth and aboriginal artists with a commitment to preserving cultural knowledge and language. Prior to being appointed Elder Advisor at Humber, Shelley worked with Corrections Canada in multi-level and maximum security institutions in Ontario. Shelley has studied the culture and ceremonies of the Midewiwin faith keepers for over 30 years, and attained her 3rd Degree and Masters of Indigenous Knowledge from the Seventh Generation Institute in Fort Frances, Ontario. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Shelley for her ongoing work with the college and the significant advancement of the Indigenous portfolio, internally and externally, since 2009. Sincerely, Jason Hunter Vice President, Student and Community Engagement FROM: https://www.humber.ca/staff/announcement/aboriginal-relations-restructuring-announcement ____________________________________________________________________________ Reprinted under the Fair Use http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html Doctrine of International Copyright Law ____________________________________________________________________________