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Ideas of the Past

This page will depict and describe every attraction that lost the final plans at DCA. All of these rides are just rumors, and may not be true at all. If you have any more, E-Mail them to me at the address below. I really appreciate it.

The Twilight Zone: Tower of Terror

This ride was originally going to be in Phase 1 of DCA! The Orange County register reported that it was reported to cost 95 million and was thought to be too expensive. Afterall, it would hurt so incredibly much if DCA had a real star attraction. This ride is still in consideration for Phase 2 though. All I have to say is don't get your hopes up.

Geyser Mountain

You heard it! This ride was originally planned for the Grizzly Peak area. This ride is now planned for a future opening date in Fronteirland (rumored). I guess it was not built due to budget cuts or maybe it was to early in the planning stages. On this ride, you would ride underground in an abandoned mine shaft where your mine cart would go flying out of control. The ride would climax in a blast by a Geyser back to the top (ground level).

Lighthouse Slide

Originally there was a lighthouse slide planned for the beachfront area. It was shaped like a lighthouse and it would be one of the old-fashioned slides where you ride down on a carpet, spiralling the lighthouse. I would have liked this, but it's gone.

The Golden Spire

Originally the icon of the park, this was going to be the tallest structure in the park and would be seen through entering the park. This idea was changed to the postcard idea.


This building is hidden in the top right corner of Hollywood, which is now grass and trees. Maybe budget cuts pushed back what could be a major attraction planned for future development. We'll see. Maybe this could be the origianl plan for where to locate the Rock'n Roller Coaster (being built at MGM Studios in Florida). Maybe we could see this addition in the near future? Let's hope. E-Mail me your opinion on this building at the address below.

02/13/99 I got another E-Mail suggesting that this building appears to look like Rock'n Roller Coaster. If only we could confirm it from Imagineering.


Just wanted to let you know that the mystery building you mentioned in Hollywood from the original artist conception was not the rock and roller coaster but an early version of the Hyperion Theater. As you can see, the raised part in the back (like most theaters) is the fly area directly behind the promescium (the arch over a stage) where scenery is lowered from. Mystery solved,


Boat Ride

Around the first press release on DCA I heard that there was going to be an agricultural boat ride much like the one at the land pavillion in Epcot. I guess they thought a walk through would be cheaper.

Circle of Hands (recent version)

Cirlce of Hands was originally going to be an all out, and in my opinion, very excellent attraction. Now I can see that we got some budget cuts on this one. It was originally going to be a big attraction (which it should be considering the fact an entire land revolves around it), much like The American Adventure. It was also considered to be a revloving theater show like Carousel of Progress, which I think would please many people. This is an example of another ride turned to movie in DCA.

The Beegee Flyer

This is a ride eliminated from Paradise Pier. It's 2 locations were in the left ring of the coaster or in front of the coaster. As you can see, it spun you high in the air.

Neptunes Garden

This restraunt still exists, but was re-named to Avalon Cove.

Surf City

This was the original name for Paradise Pier. Notice: Same concept, different sign.

Sharky's Pizza

The tropically themed restaurant in Paradise Pier used to be named Sharky's Pizza and was rumored to have a maskot or an animatronic that entertained the people dining in the restaurant. A similar idea is used in a restaurant in Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom. There, an alien sings for the people eating in the restaurant. Sharky's was renamed, however, to Pizza Oom Mow Mow. This may still have a mascot of some sort, but it may not. Overall, most of the original ideas for the eatery seem to still be intact.

Spinning Mouse Coaster

Originally, rumors indicated that Mullholland Madness was to feature cars that had the ability to spin like tea cups. Now that the ride has begun testing, it is obvious that this is a standard Mad Mouse coaster with non-spinning cars.

Disney Animation Finale

In the original plans for Disney Animation, there was to be an amazing finale. In the finale, you were supposed to be immersed in a battle between the good Disney characters and the villians. It was supposed to climax with an effect that makes it seem as though the floor has dropped beneath you. It seems as though this may have been cut, although I may be wrong. I base this on the fact that it wasn't on the list of sub-attractions in Disney Animation.

The Artisian's Workshop

This idea was abandoned recently. This was going to be located in The San Francisco district, but was cut out and has been replaced with a character greeting area. This attraction was going to be home to Arts and Crafts displays and would have many for sale. This was going to be an Innoventions-type exhibit. That's probably the reason it didn't make it!!!!!
