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The Miscellaneous Drawer

"Oh la la, il y a douze singes et seulement une banane. Qu'est-ce que je ferai??"

Hullo, hullo and welcome to the miscellaneous drawer! You probably ended up here by accident, but why not stay awhile? It's actually quite comfortable here with the paper clips, plastic forks, mismatched socks and old buttons....

The links at the bottom lead to different bins in the drawer; feel free to check 'em out. Hope you enjoy yerself! C'est tout for now, but I shall be updating soon, so sit tight and check back in a few weeks!


Bloom County
Creation of the Page
Stuff To Do When You're Bored
How To Confuse, Frighten, Agitate, Or Even Kill A Total Stranger
The Guestbook: Read Sign

get this gear!
