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Thomas Ford was a prominent composer and performer at the courts of Prince Henry and Prince Charles in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. Some of his madrigals , for example There is a Ladie Sweet and Kind and Faire Sweet Cruell are still frequently performed. However his instrumental music is very rarely performed.

In view of his prominence it is surprising to note that, aside from two anthems in Sir William Leaighton's Tears or Lamentations of a Sorrowful Soul (London, 1614) his only publication was Musicke of Sundrie Kindes (London 1607).

A glance at Musicke of Sundrie Kindes gives us some insight into the paucity of his publication. Ford must have wept when he received the first copies from the printer (John Windet at the assignes of William Barley). There are many errors in the tablature - and these are of such a nature that the music is unplayable and difficult to reconstruct. There are bar lines - but their meaning is certainly not the contemporary meaning. When prima finds an error in, say bar five, then secunda must find the corresponding place in his music. In Southcote's Paven it will be in the middle of bar four.

We have inserted bar lines according to contemporary usage. There are several kinds of errors that we have corrected:

In each case we have attempted to be as true to our understanding of Ford's intentions as we could. There is much room for the introduction of nuances and articulations but we have left this to the performer.

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