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     Put people in front of a camera and they'll do some crazy things I've discovered recently.  One of the simple joys of life God has given us is the ability to let go, be crazy, and act goofy.  Judging from the pictures I've been able to take at school, I'd say we know how to fully experience His blessing.
 school pics  
4 70 photos
9 48 photos
10 6 photos
11 4 photos
16 40 photos
17 2 photos
18 20 photos
19 51 photos
22 4 photos
23 9 photos
26 4 photos
30 13 photos
31 5 photos
3 - Sadie Hawkins Dance 44 photos
7 through 10 49 photos
14 4 photos
16 8 photos
19 11 photos
26 50 photos
1 4 photos
2 13 photos
6 1 photo
8 24 photos
20 2 photos
23 3 photos
30 11 photos
2 4 photos
10 - Black Tuesday 53 photos
No likey photo on internet? E-mail me!  

Disclaimer (not really):  Thanks so much to all the people who let me take their picture and let everyone laugh at it, and thank you for those who visit my site and demand more.  This site will be continually updated as long as there is a demand (and photos to put on it).  If you have any ideas, pictures, or money you want to send me, well, you know where to find me.  I would do one of those lengthy funny fake disclaimer things that you always see on smart, witty websites or on the back of Dave Barry books, you know where they claim that if you injure yourself laughing too hard they legally have nothing to do with it, or if more your mouse too fast that it causes you to stir up dust and suddenly sneeze and scare your cat into a tree that makes a huge flock of birds fly away, causing a flourish of earthworms to not be eaten and instead dig holes under your house and cause a sinkhole that you and your possessions fall into after a Spring rain, they cannot be held liable, but, you get the point. 
cool stuff
Tired of those same old hands jives?  Give some of these a try!

What happens when a few art students go nuts?  Watch as a team of experts finds out.

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