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A Girl's Place

If you love clothes and shoes, then you have come to the right place!!! I found a ton of cool links, and on most you can request a FREE catalog!!!! Check them out!! I also included some of my personal favorites for your enjoyment!!!

What about me? I'm a 22 yr. old still trying to figure out what I want to be when I "grow-up." But until then, at least I'll look cool!!!! I would love to hear your comments about my page, and would love some info on other girl sites that would go great here. ENJOY!!!!! (Bookmark these sites!!!!! I will be changing them often to bring you more great girl stuff!!)

Everything a girl could want!!

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Want a FREE catalog from Delia's filled with the coolest clothes? Click here!
I love shoes!!! check out the one's from Steve Madden.
Here's another site for some cool clothes, shoes, etc., and a FREE catalog! From just nikki!
Yet another FREE catalog with some cool stuff!!! Check out Alloy's stuff!
Need help with make-up. Cover Girl to the rescue!
Check out Moxie Girl for some awesome clothes, shoes, etc, and a FREE catalog!
Another cool site for clothes and things. Here's Zoe Zone!!
Check out some cool JNCO jeans!!!
Check out my home page to learn more about me!!!!!
Check out these SQUEEZE jeans!!!
I had to add this!! I loved the movie Titanic!!! Here's the Titanic home page!!
