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Do Not Read this Section if you plan to see any of these movies but do not want to know the plot!!!

This part of my page is still under major construction but will soon feature reviews of
all 18 of the Bond movies.

All ratings on a scale of 1-10

Please excuse the crudity of these reviews, I'm only 14 and I've never done these before.


From Russia with Love
On Her Majesties Secret Service
You Only Live Twice
Diamonds are Forever

Dr. No

James Bond: Sean Connery
Honey Rider: Ursula Andress
Quarrel: John Kitzmuller
Dr.No: Joseph Wiseman
Felix Lieter: Cec Linder Professor Dent: Anthony Dawson
Moneypenny: Lois Maxwell
M: Bernard Lee

Plot: James Bond is sent to find out what happened when another British agent
was killed while investigating in Jamaica. Bond soon finds that many
strange things happen on the island of Crab key, such as a dragon. On the
island is actually a secret underground nuclear reactor that isfueled by
radioactive rocks on the surface on the island. Dr.No has plans to interfere
with a U.S. rocket launch from Cape Canaveral. Dr.No is an atomic
phyisisist that was rejected for a job at both the west and the east atomic
powers of the world. He wanted to get back at them for not accepting him
for a job and take over the world at the same time. Bond gets captured while on
the island trying to sneak in. From the inside of the base, Bond does the usual
stuff and saves the world, and the girl (Honey Rider, played by Ursula Andress).

Review: I thought is was an okay movie, I liked the opening scene
even though it was simple. I think the plot is semi-believable, which adds to
the effect. It did not have a lot of action scenes like the recent ones do,
I think that Sean Connery is the best James Bond so that also makes me
rate this movie higher.

Rating:(on scale of one to 10): 6 1/2

From Russia With Love

James Bond: Sean Connery
Tatiana: Daniela Bianchi
Kerim Bey: Pedro Armendariz
Rosa Klebb (#3): Lotta Lenya
Grant: Robert Shaw
M: Bernard Lee
Moneypenny: Lois Maxwell

Plot: The Russians have a decoder that SPECTRE and the British
want. SPECTRE has a plan to get the decoder through the British Secret
Service. SPECTRE hires a woman, Tatiana, to help them with Bond but
she thinks she is helping Russia. She sends a line to Bond that she has the
decoder and will give it to him if he comes to get it. The British know it is a
trap but they want the decoder so bad that they will do it. #5 (an agent in
SPECTRE) sends a another SPECTRE agent around to follow Bond and
make sure he doesn't die until they want him to. A friend in Istanbul, Kerim
Bey, is helping him get the decoder. It is in a government room and they
blow up part of the floor so everybody in the building clears out and JB and
Tatiana leave through the sewers. With the decoder, they try to get back
to England and they take a train through Yugoslavia. Kerim has arranged
with the conductor for the train to stop at a certain point where a car will be
waiting for them. He has to keep someone company to make sure they
don't escape. The SPECTRE agent kills both Kerim and the man he is
guarding and makes it look like they killed each other. The train does not
stop at the right place now that Bond's friend is dead. The SPECTRE
agent poses as a British agent and meets Bond on the train. Bond figures it
out and there is a struggle which, of course, Bond wins. He and the girl
escape and cross the border where they get on a powerboat. They
encounter other boats trying to stop them and they blow them up. Back at
the hotel, #5 tries to take the decoder and kill Bond herself. She fails and gets shot.

Review: I thought is was a good movie, better than Dr.No. It had good
action scenes including a struggle in a train car and a powerboat race. The
plot made sense, which was good. I would say it is okay.

Rating: 7


James Bond: Sean Connery
Pussy Galore: Honor Blackman
Auric Goldfinger: Gert Frobe
Oddjob: Harold Sakata
Felix Lieter: Cec Linder
M: Bernard Lee
Moneypenny: Lois Maxwell

Plot: Goldfinger, an extremely rich man who is obsessed with gold, is ploting to detonate a nuclear bomb inside Fort Knox. This will make his gold, which he smuggles into the country in the form of car parts, more valuable (about 10 times). He has a "Flying Circus", lead by Pussy Galore, that is going to fly over Fort Knox and release a nerve gas that makes you unconscious for 24 hours. Then they are going to detonate the electric fence that surrounds the fort. Once in side they will place the atomic bomb inside with the gold and, unfortunately, Mr. Bond. He was captured by Goldfinger and escaped to hear his plan. Then he was caught again. The army was notified of Goldfinger's plan (by Pussy Galore) and some of theme pretended to fall asleep with the gas. Once the bomb was inside, they "woke up" and attacked. They made it inside to the bomb and, with 007 seconds left, the bomb was deactivated.

Review: I thought it was a very good movie. The action scenes are quite good. There is gold everywhere in the last scene (yes!!!). The name of the girl is sort of weird (if you know what I mean). I would see this movie before I saw Dr.No or From Russia With Love because I think it is better.

Rating: 8


James Bond: Sean Connery
Domino: Claudine Auger
Emilo Largo: ?
M: Bernard Lee
Moneypenny: Lois Maxwell

Plot: SPECTRE hijacks a NATO plane that is carrying 2 atomic bombs. They demand a lot of money or they'll nuke a major city in the US or England. Bond is in the Dominican Republic recovering from his last mission at a health clinic at the time of the hijacking. He sees a man, that he later finds out is the pilot of the NATO plane, dead in the clinic. SPECTRE hid the plane underwater, camoflagued it, and hid the bombs in a secret chamber als underwater. Bond returns to London and fins out about the bombs, then is sent back to the Dominican Rebublic to try to recover the bombs. There he meets Domino, the sister of the pilot who was dead. Her "gaurdian" is Largo, who is actually #2 (a SPECTRE agent). He owns the Disco Volanti, a ship which Bond thinks is carrying the bombs. He trys to use Domino to find out if the bombs are on board. She agrees to try because she finds out her brother is dead. Bond learns through Domino that the bombs are not on board. He pretends to be one of Largo's divers that are going to bring the bombs aboard the Disco Volanti. He is discovered and locked in the chamber where the bombs were. He gets out and alearts the Coast Gaurd whrere the bombs are. There is a huge underwater battle scene between largo's divers and the Coast Gaurd divers. The Coast Guard wins, of course. Bond gets aboard the Disco Volanti, which is carrying Largo and Domino. Domino is locked in her room and Largo is on the bridge. Bond fights people on the bridge, he kills everyone except Largo who pulls a gun on Bond. Someone helped Domino free and she comes in and kills Largo with a spear gun.

Review: This is, I think, the best Bond movie yet. It has GREAT underwater scenes. Bond is his usual smooth self. The title scene is really cool with sillouettes of naked women swimming around an guys with spear guns following theme. If you had to pick one of the Connery movies, this is the one to get.

Rating:8 1/2

On Her Majesties Secret Service

James Bond: George Lazenby
Tracy di Vicenzo: Dinna Rigg
Ernst Blofeld: Telly Savalas
M: Bernard Lee
Moneypenny: Lois Maxwell

Plot: British Intelligence suspects that Blofeld is in disguise as a count at a reasearch center in the Alps. Bond is sent to find out if he is actually there so Bond disguises himself as a geneologist. When he gets there, he finds 8 lady "paitents" that are being "cured" of allergies. After being locked in his room, Bond escapes to go "see" one of the paitents and finds someone else there that knocks him unconsious. When he wakes up, he is captured by Blofeld. Blofeld puts him in the room with all the gears that work the tram to the village at the bottom of the mountain. He escapes and hears Blofeld's plan to have the paitents release a virus over the earth. They hypnoticly are contact him every night. Then Bond skies down the mountain being chased by SPECTRE henchmen. At the bottom, he meets Tracy and they drive to a barn and sleeps there. Tracy happens to be in love with Bond and, for the first and only time in the Bond series, Bond really loves her too. They ski out in the morning and are chased by SPECTRE again. Blofeld starts and avalanch and captures Tracy. She is taken back to the lab on the mountain. Bond gets several helicopters to blow up the lab so Blofeld can't contact the paitents to spread the virus. He escapes on a bobsled and Bond follows and there is a fight. Bond wins and the world is saved once again. He and Tracy get married but while they are driving away, Blofelds shoots and kills her.
Review: I know that this movie has a really bad reputation, but I don't think it's that bad. The title scene is horrible. If you like skiing, you might like this movie, but you might not, so don't see it for the skiing scenes. It would be much better if Sean Connery played Bond. This one would definetly not be my choice Bond movie, but it's not as bad as everyone says it is.
Rating: 7

You Only Live Twice

James Bond: Sean Connery
Kissy Suzuki: Mia Hama
Ernst Blofeld: Donald Pleasance
M: Bernard Lee
Moneypenny: Lois Maxwell

Plot: An American spaceship carrying 2 US astronauts is intercepted by an unidentified ship. The US think it is the Russians that did it. Russia denies the charges. The US says that if thre is interference with the next spaceship they launch in a few weeks, they will think of it as an act of war. It is thought by the British Government that the unidentified ship is landing on a small island in Japan. Bond is then sent to Japan to try to confirm where the spaceship is landing. He has to "become Japanese" before he can go over the island and search for the base. He gets kind of a "fake" plastic surgery. They glue on a wig and put things on his eyes to make them look Japanese. Then he gets married to a Japanese woman. He also trains to be a ninja at the school owned by his friend Tiger. Bond flys over a volcano in "Little Nellie," a helicopter that can be disasembled and fit into 3 trunks. He is chased by 4 other helicopters that shoot at him. Bond blows them all up, of course. That night, he and his wife climb the volcano and go down into it. Bond throws a rock in and it bounces ofthe "water" and makes a loud clang. The water is actually metal. Bond discovers that the volcano is actually the base for the unidentified spaceship. The "water" opens and lets things like spaceships and helicopters go out. A helicpoter then comes out and Bond gets in while the doors are open. The volcano is SPECTRE's secret base where the rocket is launched from. Bond disguises himself as an astronaut but gets caught. He is taken to Blofeld where he learns of Blofeld's plan. He is trying to start a nuclear war between the US and Russia. When they completly anniahlate eachother, SPECTRE will come in and takeover the world. Bond opens the volcano doors and about 100 ninjas drop in. There is a huge battle scene in the base. When the technichins evacuates the control room, Bond gets in and press the button to blow up SPECTRE's spaceship that is about to intercept a US ship. The war is stopped.

Review: This movie is okay. Th title scene is not bad, not great, but not bad. Threr is a great battle scene in the end. Also, there is a good ariel fight with helicopters. It's pretty good.

Rating:7 1/2

Diamonds Are Forever
James Bond: Sean Connery
Tiffany Case: Jill St. John
Ernest Blofeld:
Willard Whyte:
Plenty O'Toole: Lana Wood
M: Bernard Lee
Moneypenny: Lois Maxwell

Plot: Bond is sent to find out why smugglers are trying to get all enormous amounts of diamonds. He pretends to be a smuggler that was sent to help Tiffany Case. They put the diamonds in a dead body and pretend the body is their brother. The body is cremated and the urn is filled with the diamonds. They are actually fake but so is the money that Bond, who is now Peter, was paid was also fake. He and Tiffany go to find out where the diamonds are going to and find it is a research facility in the desert. Bond later gets captured by Blofeld in a penthouse apartment on the top of the Whyte House (a casino in Las Vegas). He finds that Blofeld has kidnapped Whyte and is pretending to be him. His plan is to turn all those diamonds into a big laser in space and blow things up. Bond escapes and alerts the CIA who goes and frees Whyte. Then Bond singles out where Blofeld is controlling the laser he has launched into space (Blofeld is now holding New York hostage for many, many, $$$$$ or he'll blow it up). He is on an oilrig in California. Bond has to switch the tape which controls the laser. He does but Tiffany accidentally switches them back. There is a huge battle scene with helicopters and the people on the oilrig. Bond escapes with Tiffany, the oilrig blows up, the world is saved, all by Bond.

Review: I thought it was pretty good, not awesome, but pretty good. Blofeld is played by a non-Blofeld-looking person. There is a very good climax to the movie with lots of action. The opening song is good, but there are certain parts I don't like. There are some good chase scenes in it. Overall, it was an ok movie.

Rating: 7 1/2
