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Hi! Thanks for takin' the time to visit this page! What I want to know is:

What Do You Want?

The easiest way to let me know is by emailing me ( I answer all emails that are sent to me. Now that I've been working more and more on the site I normally check once a day.

Anywho, below I'll have a bunch of polls and such that you can look through. Nothing awe inspiring, but questions that I've been pondering. I know a lot of ppl surfing the net either don't have time or don't want to write emails to webpages... as I'm sure a lot of ppl probably won't read all the text on this page... but here's ta hopin'!

My Ponderings:

- Do you like the layout and color scheme of this website?

- What do you think should be removed?

- What do you think should definitely stay?

- What do you think needs to be added or what would make you want to come back more often?

- Do you enjoy the polls that are posted throughout the site?

- Would a section where I post pictures (funny or serious) and stories/articles (again, funny or serious) where EVERYONE can comment be interesting?

- Would an "About Me" page be a nice addition?

- Is this site as it is easy to navigate? Or should I add a search feature?

I'll continue to add things here as I think of them. This is just to get the ball rolling with emails in the event you do take the polls but wish to speak with me further on something. Afterall, this page is not just for me, but for everyone that views it!

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