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Welcome to my web site! This is my personal one that I basically to market myself, so that you will know who I am and my presense on the Internet.

This Month's Poem

The Perfect Woman Doesn't Exist

No woman is perfect except in
The minds and eyes of blind fools;
It seems that everyone seeks for her,
The one, who is cultured, gifted, buxom,
Beautiful, witty, and all around perfect
Wrapped all in a plastic package.
I am not looking for Ms.Perfect,
What I am seeking someone like you.
You may not have the perfect Glamour model smile,
But no cover girl could smile the way you do.
You may not have the perfect flashy eyes,
But I get myself lost in your ordinary eyes.
You may not have dry wit at party occasions,
But you make me laugh with your wittiness.
You may not have the perfect size of bosom,
But look how pretty Angie Harmon is overall.
You may not be a genius like Albert Einstein,
But you are a very intelligent female student.
The perfect woman doesn't exist in reality!!!
Here is a real woman like you--I can see you.
Norman Y. Won

Copyright ©2003 Norman Y. Won

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