Sailor Mercury's MAD!
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Sailor Mercury's MAD!

Yep, I'm mad!
But I guess there isn't much that I can do. My whole page was erased, and when I finally got it back up. It keeps screwing up on me. So I will be moving into Geocities hopefully it will be a decent host. Oh well! Anyways, I hope to move there be up and better than ever in about 2-4 weeks. Sorry for the wait, but there isn't much that I can do! I am planning much for the new page. And hope you will keep a bookmark to this site so you can get to my new site when it is up! whoo-hoo! If there is anything you would like to see, you better Write me quick OK??? So I'll see ya around! Below you will find a list of stuff I am planning for the new page, and some liks to kep you entertained till I'm back! :)
Take care, Sailor Mercury

Stuff to look forward to on my new page:

  • My movie reviews!
  • My Geri page from spice girls! You guys voted for her, now you get a whole page about her!
  • Same awesome jokes, advice, links, horoscopes, sayings, message board, borthdays
  • Funky features!
  • "flame me!"
  • My newsletter!
  • My cyber-journal!
  • My tip of the day on how to be annoying!
  • TV VOTE!
  • MUCH MORE!!!!!

Heres some cool links to keep you entertained till I get back ! :)

*Geocities, get a free page that won't screw up!
SEMO chat! Simply the best!
WBS chat, pretty good!
BORED? Go to! I love this page!
FREE E-MAIL account!
*Cool site of the week!
*CYBERTEENS! Love this page!
*FREE electronic greeting card!
*Can't explain, just check it out! Go to volition to get free stuuf!
