
Ralph Haenel, German-born self-defense expert and book author, looks back at over 30 years of martial arts training. He started his studies in Judo, Japanese Jiu-Jitsu and Karate. In 2009 he celebrated the 25th anniversary of learning and teaching Wing Tsun Kung Fu. For nearly two decades now, his life is committed to teaching Wing Tsun full time. Benefit from his experience of having learned in the worldwide largest professional Kung Fu organization. For 16 years Ralph was educated by expert WingTsun masters whose previous careers spanned from professional boxing to full contact champions to military combat instructors. More than 10 years were invested into the development of his teaching and learning method named "The Complete Core Concepts of Wing Tsun Kung Fu". Draw new motivation out of this blueprint for successful training and supercharge your results.
Click here, to check out the Facebook note "My Martial Arts Education 1977 - 2000".