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Professional Interests

Job Interests

With an MA in TESOL and in Instructional Technology (IT), I am, of course, most interested in work that is complementary to the two areas and am especially interesting in creating on-line learning environments for second language learning, an area which I feel is ripe for exploitation by second language educators. I hope to find a job as the technology coordinator at a university in Madrid where I would be responsible for integrating technology into the curriculum and working with teachers on how to use and integrate the technology into their courses.

What I Feel is Important to Integrating Technology into a Curriculum

Another area of instructional technology which I feel is very important is the theoretical implications of integrating technology into the curriculum, second language or otherwise. It is important to develop learning environments which are based on sound pedagogy and which have a firm base in theories which relate to the integration of technology into an educational curriculum. Put more simply, we need to integrate technology into the curriculum, not the curriculum into the technology.

Imagine a school which *acquires* a commercial software package as is frequently the case. If administrators and teachers are thinking about how they can use the software in their classes, how the schedule should be set up to allow the different classes access to the computer lab, etc., they are, in fact, integrating the curriculum into the technology.

What a teacher, administrator, school should be thinking is, what is the curriculum and what are the instructional objectives? Based on what the instructional objectives are, what would be the best way for the students to learn those objectives? If it is decided that technology would be the best way for the students to learn those objects, they should begin thinking about which form of technology to use and how to best integrate that technology in order to accomplish the desired learning objectives. Ok, enough of the preaching, but you see what I'm interested in, right?

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