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Electormagnetic Territory

Welcome (insert name here),

to my stupid webpage
The sadness of our unstable youth is increasing stellar effects on our plummeting economy.

02-09-04:My Art History needs a little work (a little....are you kidding!!). Too busy doing this stupid chemical report, so i can't watch Sex and the City tonight. Couldn't watch it yesterday because i was watching something else and wasn't paying attention. Well, as long as i watch The Daily Show i'm happy. Ahhhh.....j'aime le Jon Stewart.

01-26-04:You know those types of people that just don't stop asking questions and they expect answers to ALL of them..... Well I'd better not say anything because i think i'm one of those people. You know those people who LOVE bubble wrap, and they just don't stop popping it once they get their hands on some from the Post Office..... oh no, i think i'm one of those people TOO. No, wait, i'm getting mixed up w/my mother......

01-07-04:Anyone want to be in a movie? I'm writing a script for a film I'd like to make and I'm looking for some cast members. You can read the setup here. Tell anyone else you think might be interested and contact me if you are. Thanx!


This is my friend: TwEeK!


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