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Story of My Life

You've seen her, standing with other people, trying to fit in. You know her name, but you don't really know her. She always looks sad, even when she tries to hide it. She's always saying she's f i n e, that nothing's wrong. But you can see the p a i n in her eyes. You talk to her on the phone, sometimes. You see her sitting alone in class, watching people talk, longing to have a close friend too. She'll walk over, talk a little, very little, and just kinda stand back, silent, and eventually leave, k n o w i n g that she's not part of the group. She hides behind books, f a k e ( : smiles : ), l o s t hope, knowing that even if someone does talk to her for a split second, it wouldn't really mean anything. You can see the tears in her eyes, but they don't really have any effect on you. They just make you think she's selfish, self-centered. Why can't she see that you have problems too? You turn away, talk to your t r u e friends, the ones that would support you, not burden you with more problems. She's only a person, right? She won't make a .d.i.f.f.e.r.e.n.c.e. in your life anyway.


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