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"); matrix_window.document.write(""); matrix_window.document.write("
"); matrix_window.document.write(" "); if(bold == true) matrix_window.document.write(""); if(italic == true) matrix_window.document.write(""); for(i = 0; i <= string.length; i++) { timer += (Math.random() * speed); setTimeout("matrix_window.document.write('" + string.charAt(i) + "');", timer); } timer += 2000; setTimeout("matrix_window.close()", timer); } var messages = new Array("The Matrix has you...", "Follow the white rabbit", "Wake up, Neo"); function GetRndIndex() { return (parseInt(Math.random() * messages.length)); } function WriteRndMsg(bold, italic, speed) { MatrixWrite(messages[GetRndIndex()], bold, italic, speed); } // End --> function wats() { MatrixWrite('KRISTOFFER TOM MACASIEB DUCULAN - DECEMBER 10, 1979 - SAGITTARIUS - Sagittarius is Fire energy. This is a very active, extroverted, mobile, expansive sign. The Archer is always ready for action, bursting with goals and idealism. This sign is the very personification of jovial, outward-bound, enthusiasm -- the ultimate cosmic host or hostess with the "mostess." They can be spellbinding in their philosophies! Mutable motivation brings compelling powers of attraction. Change and variety are important. Sag will not hesitate to initiate either. Without balance energy, Sagittarius can become too changeable; he or she may bend to every force or influence. Restlessness can diffuse energy, and finding a secure position in life is not as easy as we would think. Quiet contemplation can temper the fire and heighten the intuition. Receptivity can slow the impatient desire to move way too fast at times. What a wonderful balanced energy this is!.',false, false, 500); }