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The "Andy Is Gay" Home Page-file Report

This Report on the investigation of Andy Ng,case file 90210, under the act of Gay rights violation Dated July 6, 2003.

Andy Ng,was charged and warranted for arrest by the FBI July 2, 2003 for acts of public nudity, mischief with a weapon, and several and countless acts of marching in the Gay Day Parade with an electronic Vibrating Egg, and breaking safety pedestrian laws of rollerblading without a helmet. Andy,here on referred to as Ng, as was assigned into the Gay parade of 2003 (dated 2003-06-29) as a "Poodle-Walking Homosexual" The event was taken place in San Francisco, between the roads and intersections of W12 St to E8 St and was turned to W8 St and onto Grove St, Where Ng had progressively, continued building a mind shattering Orgasm through his vibrating egg. As Ng had reached the first stop sign of Grove St, he had intentionaly, with "intense" force, as Ng informed in his arrest and questioning, pulled out, from his