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Be in 10 Minutes!

1. Command - In the start menu there is a icon by the name of 'Run'. Click on that and type in the word box 'command'. This will open the command prompt.

2. Connections - There are several different ways to get a connection IP. An IP is the actual address of a computer's connection. The most common way to find an IP of a certain computer is to connect to that computer. Your computer will automatically find that connection and identify it. In the command type in 'netstat -a'. What this does is list out all of your direct connections(you can direct connect to the computer thourgh instant messenger.) One of those, listed under daytime or aol, is the computer you are trying to reach. In the address column is the actual IP address of that computer.

3. User - Once you have downloaded nat(from any site under a search engine will do fine,) you must create, or use the pre-established, user and password lists.

4. Nat - Once you have nat open in the command prompt, you must type in net use, then your user and password lists. Once that is done you can do one of two things. Either start nat then or assign a drive. If you start nat then nat works like this, you type in the name of a user list of possible user names. Next you type in a password list of all the possible passwords. Nat then takes all the passwords and tries them with each username until it is logged on to the other computer.

5. Assign - To assign one of their drives to one of yours you have to put in something extra. Before you run nat, put in net use * \\\. Their IP is obviously the IP address you got in netstat. Share name can be anything from c to C$??/:. All that is is the actual assignment of their drive. And depending on what their computer identifies that drive by, it can be anything. Once you run nat after typing all that in, go into windows explorer and and you should have an extra drive letter. This is their drive but at your access. You can take anything off of there and put anything on. Dont bother going through files unless the have some games(hehe.)

6. Have Fun! - The final and most important step is to have fun and dont get into trouble. This can be a lot of fun but dont do anything you know is illegal. If you followed these steps correctly, and with a bit of practice you will be turning things like this

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