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August 10 2003:
Summer has sucked monkey balls. Bored and losing most of what I thought I had so I decided to work on this piece of shit for a site. Added some new BGs made by Rew. Please use the forum! Anywho I'm gonna actually try to get this thing working. Peace. ~|2eighnY

April 25 2003:
OK I just finished uploading my background images. They are really cool, and I suggest you get one and be in on the fad. In the near future I might make some more, so check back every now and then. ~|2eighnY

April 1, 2003:
I have just started to officially work on this site due to boredom. I'm gonna try and fill up my 20 megs with some l33t things. Send me some stuff. ~|2eighnY

Give me some feedback