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National Organizations
The Students Commission - The Students Commission has created a proactive forum for youth to direct public policy. Their voices have been heard; national reports are presented to the Prime Minister, the Governor-General, cabinet ministers, provincial premiers and business, education, community and labour leaders across Canada. Among their activities in anti-racism, the Students Commission has developed workshop materials for the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
The Canadian Race Relations Foundation - The Foundation's office is located in the City of Toronto but its activities are national in scope. The Canadian Race Relations Foundation aims to help bring about a more harmonious Canada that acknowledges its racist past, recognizes the pervasiveness of racism today, and is committed to creating a future in which all Canadians are treated equitably and fairly.
Canadian Council for Multicultural and Intercultural Education (CCMIE) - CCMIE is a nongovernmental national organization composed of provincial and territorial multicultural associations, councils, and teachers' organizations representing the cultural, linguistic, and regional diversities in Canadian society. Among its main objectives, the CCMIE seeks community support in preparing youth to participate fully in Canadian society. CCMIE attempts to fulfill this objective through different youth projects and initiatives.
League for Human Rights of B'nai Brith Canada - B'nai Brith Canada brings Jewish men and women together in fellowship to serve the Jewish community through combating anti-Semitism, bigotry and racism in Canada and abroad, through carrying out and supporting activities which ensure the security and survival of the State of Israel and Jewish communities worldwide, through various volunteer activities, cultivation of leadership, charitable work, advocacy, and through government relations
Muslim Students Association (MSA) -MSA seeks to promote the beliefs and teachings of Islam through the study of the Holy Quran and the traditions of Prophet Muhammed. MSA also provides a platform for all Muslims to come together and practice their beliefs while disseminating correct information about Islam to the non-Muslim community.

Western Region

The Canadian Anti-racism Education and Research Society (CAERS) - The Canadian Anti-racism Education and Research Society is a frontline anti-racism organization, established in British Columbia that provides a variety of different services. Among these, CAERS offers anti-racism workshops and training in non-violent solutions to racism and hate group activity. It also provides workshops on cross-cultural, equity and diversity issues and institutional change. CAERS has a strong youth component to many of its programs and initiatives.


Committee for the Elimination of Racism through Education (CERTE) - CERTE is a group of high school students from Edmonton, Alberta who promote respect, acceptance, and equality among and within all cultures. Their goal is to raise public awareness about the origins and consequences of racism and, most importantly, to encourage today's youth to have an optimistic attitude towards the elimination of racial discrimination.
Northern Alberta Alliance on Race Relations (NAARR) - NAARR's mission is to pursue the goals of eliminating racism. NAARR's individual and organization members seek to eliminate racial discrimination. They encourage children, youth and adults to respect people of all colours, races and creeds.
The Millwoods Multicultural Council Foundation (MMCF) - The mission of MMCF is to enhance awareness of diverse cultural values, promote understanding, interaction, partnership, and goodwill among people of Mill Woods in particular, and Edmonton in general, for a better living environment. The MMCF works closely with youth through Rainbow - a multicultural youth magazine - and the Multicultural Youth Circle.

Diversity Calgary has commissioned studies and has a strong community focus in the fight against racism.


Central Region
African Canadian Legal Clinic - ACLC is a not-for-profit organization which was officially opened in October 1994 to address systemic racism and racial discrimination in Ontario through a test case litigation strategy. In addition, a significant part of the work of ACLC is to monitor legislative changes, regulatory, administrative and judicial developments, and to engage in advocacy and legal education aimed at eliminating racism (anti-Black racism in particular).
Colours of Resistance (COR) - COR is a grassroots' network of people who actively work to develop multiracial, anti-racist politics in the movement against global capitalism. Colours of Resistance is both a thinktank and an actiontank, linking global issues with those in our own communities, and providing and sharing support, ideas, and strategies across borders. Its collective work includes but is not limited to producing a zine, a website, and published articles; sharing ideas through an email discussion list; and facilitating workshops and events.
Website: http://
South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario (SALCO) - The SALCO is a nonprofit organization seeking to establish a legal clinic to respond to the needs of low-income South Asians in Toronto. Salco was formed in 1999 by lawyers and activists of South Asian descent, in response to concerns by South Asian agencies that the legal needs of South Asians in Toronto were not being adequately met by existing legal clinics.
The Simon Wiesenthal Centre (SWC) - The SWC is an international Jewish human rights organization dedicated to preserving the memory of the Holocaust by fostering tolerance and understanding through community involvement, educational outreach and social action. The Center confronts important contemporary issues including racism, anti-Semitism, terrorism and genocide. With a membership of more than 400,000 families, the Center is headquartered in Los Angeles and maintains offices in New York, Toronto, Miami, Jerusalem, Paris and Buenos Aires.
Atlantic Region
Multiculturalism Association of Nova Scotia (Youth Against Racism) - Youth Against Racism's Train the Trainer Initiative started in 1996, and has been supported by schools across Nova Scotia. This is a youth-run project; students receive anti-racism and leadership training. The Multicultural Association of Nova Scotia (MANS) recognized the need for youth to talk to youth about racism. This organization has been in existence since 1975, and has spearheaded a number of multicultural and diversity related projects. MANS was the driving force behind Bill 9, the Act to Promote and Preserve Multiculturalism in Nova Scotia.
Black Cultural Centre for Nova Scotia - The Black Cultural Centre for Nova Scotia organizes activities to raise awareness of black history from a local and global perspective. It offers an interactive type of outreach through its website, and promotes the many events that happen at the Black Cultural Centre on a regular basis.
Students Together Against Racism (STAR) - STAR is a group formed mainly of high school students from the Moncton area in New Brunswick. Over the years, this group of young people has been extremely efficient in addressing racism issues in their school, but also in their community.
Phone: 506-856-3470
Fax: 506-856-3313
Pride of Race, Unity and Dignity Through Education Inc. - This organization is dedicated to the full participation of the Black community in the social, cultural and economic fabric of mainstream New Brunswick life. This is to be achieved through a public education program, which focuses on the historical contributions of the Black community in New Brunswick, and by a self-education program, which emphasizes dedicated personal service and leadership in meeting current needs in the community, and in preparing youth for the challenges which they must face in the future.
Prince Edward Island Multicultural Council - The Multicultural Council promotes understanding and harmonious relations among all people on the Island. It carries out activities and programs of a multicultural nature which promote, preserve, share, develop, and advance cultural heritage. The Council conducts workshops and conferences on racism, does community education, and has standing committees (e.g. Employment Equity).
Newfoundland-Labrador Human Rights Association - Formed in 1968, the Newfoundland-Labrador Human Rights Association has been active in promoting human rights in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador for almost 30 years. Its mandate is to promote, extend, and defend human rights within Newfoundland and Labrador, as well as to promote international human rights issues within the province.
Northern Region and Aboriginal Youth Groups
The National Inuit Youth Council - The mission of NIYC is to benefit all Inuit youth through the strength of their voice and action. Furthermore, it commits to work with its elders and other partners in the preservation and strengthening of the Inuit language(s) and culture, and provide opportunities for young Inuit to attain their dreams and visions.
Phone: (613) 238-8181
Aboriginal Youth Network (AYN) - AYN was brought about due to the social and health issues that aboriginal youth face due to the break down of aboriginal culture in Canada. With this website, it is attempting to unite youth and bring cultural identity to youth across the country. Phone: 1-866-459-1058
Native Friendship Centres - Native Friendship Centres strive to improve the quality of life for aboriginal peoples in an urban environment by supporting self-determined activities which encourage equal access to, and participation in, Canadian society; and which respect and strengthen the increasing emphasis on aboriginal cultural distinctiveness.
Aboriginal Youth Council - The mission statement of AYC is to: create positive change for Friendship Centre youth through inclusion, empowerment, and culture by increasing communication, offering training and development opportunities, increasing youth involvement in the Friendship Centre movement, facilitating the development of youth leaders, providing awareness on issues facing urban aboriginal youth, and preserving and promoting their culture and heritage.
Native Women's Association of the NWT - This organization provides training and education programmes for native women in the Western Arctic, so that they can function more effectively in areas that affect their lives on an economic, social, educational, emotional, cultural, and political level.
Phone: 1-867-873-3152
Diversity Thrives Here! - SudburyThe Mayor’s Community Working Group on Diversity began meeting in June 2002. The group expanded its membership with six volunteers from the reporting session, and with city staff, members of a CAO’s policy working group. The group oversees coordination of a diversity project in Sudbury and gives direction to the project coordinator