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CyberSnacks, Inc.

Kewl Surf
Premium Drinking Water

Born in the cold mountain springs of Virginia,
the water which will become Kewl Surf is collected,
tested, filtered, then undergoes a distilling and purifying
process called REVERSE OSMOSIS.

Once the purification is complete, the water is injected into
sanitized bottles which have been carefully selected, labeled,
and encoded. Next the caps are installed sealing the product from
outside contamination and boxed for shipping.

Kewl Surf purified drinking water is exactly
what it claims to be... PURE !

Naturally pure water, carefully filtered, and
mechanically purified guarantees you the finest
premium quality drinking water available.

Kewl Surf may very well be one of the healthiest
bottles of water you will ever purchase.

Try Kewl Surf today...

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