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Scripts Pages!
  • Hack.exe has now added a scripts page to its website. You can access this page by clicking HERE or by clicking on the link to the left. The scripts page is very basic and not flashy by any means. Eventually when we get a real web team, these smaller pages within the site will gleam. Thankyou to all members of hack.exe who have offered thier support.

    New AOL Translator!
  • Our website now has a new AOL Translator. All ou do is type in normal english text into the first box, and hit the translate button. Then, you will see new text in the second box. This text is what a 12 year old AOL lamer sounds like. Later on, we might make one that will allow you to translate AOL lamer speak to normal english. This translator will remain in the top section of this page for only a little while, and then it will become a permanent residence at the bottom of this page. Stay tuned!

    Hack.exe Gets a Domain!
  • Hack.exe As you know recently opened up its website. While the page remains on angelfire, Hack.exe has attained a free .tk domain name. Longtime Hack.exe member steampak setup the domain for hack.exe. Hack.exe's site can be accessed by simply entering into your browser. No more need for the lengthy URL. Along with this update, Hack.exe's site is proud to anounce over 700 hits in the first full day of its site's operation. Thanks once again to steampak for setting up the .tk and thanks to all the visitors we have had in such a short period of time. Hack.exe does request that you do not "spam" the site, as this is not a good way to attract attention. But do, tell your friends about the site, so that hack.exe may continue to grow. We watch the channel grow, and we watch the hit counter fly! By the way, hack.exe invites you to take the "eleet" test, check out how "leet" you really are, here: Take The Test! and see if your as "leet" as you think!

    Wait a second... whats hack.exe?
  • Hack.exe began as a simple channel created on the DALNet IRC Network. The two original founders were Glitch and KevinX. The channel was founded on January 11th of 2002. Shortly after the registration of the channel name, people began to join. Within a few weeks, Hack.exe had well over 50 steady members in the channel at any one given moment. Hack.exe prospered throughout the summer of 2002. However in late august 2002, Glitch was suddenly stricken offline. Giving his channel and nick password to MCJedi, Glitch left the IRC world. He returned to IRC once again, in January 2003. Since his return, the channel has grown slowly, but steadily. Hack.exe's sister channels include #pax0r and #X_Clan. The channel was formed as a way for people to communicate new ideas, and improve upon old ones. Though, most people are welcomed to just simply hang out in the channel and meet new people. Hack.exe currently has more then 100 members on the access lists, with an average of 20 users in the channel. Hack.exe is growing, and often a new member joins each day. There are a host of different people in the channel, from around the world. From Military commanders overseas, to IRC Addicts in Canada, Hack.exe has them all.