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Labor Unions and PEeasantGroups
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Ever since the Spanish occupation, the Filipino had been striving for benefits he knows he rightly deserves. More specifically, the Filipino peasant and laborer are very much short-changed; from wages to rights, and harvest shares to food and even transportation. Up to now, they're still clamoring about the same issues as their predecessors; land grabbing, soaring quotas, unjust treatment from landowners, unreasonable salary and sky-high interest rates.

Because of these issues, undeniably overflowing with radicalism and leftist undertones, labor unions and peasant groups are commonly mistaken for communists. Most of them were actually founded based on socialist and democratic ideals, but we must not deny the existence of nor be prejudiced against uncompromising groups like the Communist Party of the Philippines. Factions like these must be completely analyzed before deciding on an opinion that could either make or break them. For their having been misunderstood and criticized destructively throughout our history as the menace to the society and economy by the pre-war elite, collaborators and colonizers that we must eradicate the old, ingrained ideas and start understanding what they really stand and aspire for, rather than hastily judging and establishing their position in the political, social and economic structures based on face value.

With these points in mind, one might think that we're for the institution of the left in the present administration. We are not trying to insinuate any ideas or to persuade a specific opinion upon anyone. Through this tribute website, we are merely encouraging a reassessment (and maybe even enlightenment) of these parties that have been making history from the day they were envisioned until even as we speak.

With the help of our mentor, UP Professor Bernard Karganilla, we students of HistoryI are also on a quest to rediscover forgotten facts, throw light on mysteries and conspiracies, and introduce new ideas and developments for the betterment and protection of not only our country's political, cultural and economic aspects, but as well as its overall image and authority in the international arena.

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