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Solano Community College
After graduating from Vallejo High School in 1993, I attended Solano Community College (SCC) and received an associates in Business and Liberal Arts.

Sacramento State Unversity
I attended Sac State from 1998 thru 2001. I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Management Information Systems

State Compensation Fund

After graduating from Sac State, I started my career with the State of California. I worked as an Information Systems Analyst.

Laney College
From Fall 2001 to Fall 2006, I attended night school at Laney College in Oakland, CA. I am focusing on improving my math skills in preparation for the GRE and computer science subject test.

San Francisco State University
I have attended SF State from Spring 2007 to the present. I am pursuing a master's degree in computer science.

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