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TCP Port Scanner

This is an alternative Port Scanner custom build by

As where other online Port Scanners found on the net, really like to scare you with open ports, Virus and Trojans, written in fat red letters and images of skulls, the sole idea of this scanner is simply to help you check if your system have any open ports with a service answering, nothing more, nothing less.

I think that since you followed the links to this page named Port Scanner, you do have some knowledge and interests in IP packets and ports, and servers behind those (friendly or not so friendly servers) That's why the results from this scanner are written in green, yellow and grey.

Green, if this server is not able to establish a connection to your system on the port showing. The port might well be seen by this server, but not able to connect.
Yellow, if this server actually established a connection to your system, and if any default output from your system on that port, the first 100 characters will be shown in grey.

If this server establish any connections to your system that you wasn't aware of you might wane take a look into that.

At the bottom of the checkboxes there is a text field where you can enter any port number of your choice between 1 and 65.535. That is if you have any not listed port under suspicion.

Next to the start scan button your IP Address is shown in a text field. If this is not your IP address, then it is possible that you are connected through a proxy server which confused my IP detection. If this is the case, then enter your own IP address and click on Submit.

This scan in no way performs any operation that is destructive, nor does it attempt to capture private data of any kind except to relay back to you for your knowledge only.

Happy port scanning.
Port Service Select
7 Echo
9 Discard sink null
13 Time of Day
17 Quote of the Day
19 Character Generator
21 File Transfer Protocol
23 Telnet
25 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
42 Host Name Server
43 Whois Database
53 Domain Name Server
79 Finger
80 World Wide Web Server
106 Eudora compatible PW changer
110 PostOffice V.3
135 NCS local location broker
139 NETBIOS Session Service
143 Interim Mail Access Protocol v2
289 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
1031 BBN Interface Access Device
1033 Netspy Trojan Horse
1045 Rasmin Trojan Horse
5631 PC Anywhere
5900 Virtual Network Computing
Optional 1 -> 65535  

Once you submit this form, the scan will take up to 30 seconds, depending on the number of ports selected.
Result will show below.

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