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Narrative, Moral Identity and Historical Consciousness: A Social Constructionist Account by Kenneth J. Gergen

Wood's Guide to basic communication essentials

Criticism Explained: For those who don't know any better

Essay as Technique

Today's Hot Topic!! Autistic Behavior Linked To Several Brain Areas In Children With Tuberous Sclerosis

Introduction to Fact-sheets on Psychological and Psychiatric Aspects of Tuberous Sclerosis

2004 East Coast TSC Conference Presentations

Listen to Dr. Fred Volkmar on Asperger's Syndrome

FAAAS, Inc.™

Personal Website of David Spicer

Personal Website of Liane Holliday Willey

"As vulnerable as aspies can be, we by and large can survive greater damage to the inside than NT's can. That is the good news which comes from being hard crusted. The bad news is, we can be harder to fix once we have been broken." -Liane Holliday Willey

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