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Hello and welcome to my failed photography page

Ever since I got my digital camera, I have been interested in taking "the perfect picture". Believe me, it's not an easy task. I have tried many times and I believe that I still have not taken the perfrct picture. This site is dedicated to what I consider the failed attempts at taking the perfect picture.


Following are my attempts at perfection: The pictues are ordered in using three criteria.

1. Flowers
2. People
3. Miscellaneous



Flower 1

Flower 2

Flower 3


My buddy Kart on the last day of school. I took this picture at random.

Recently I went to a Greek Orthodox camp as a counselor. This is Katarina, another counselor's daughter.

This is at camp as well. My friend Kal-Jamie is taking part in a camp game. I though it was a good picture opportunity.

This is one of my favorite pictures. This is Niko, Katarina's brother. He insisted that I take a picture of him and it turned out great.

I wanted to see how good my flash worked in complete darkness and I took this picture of my friends Sarah and Nichole.

This is my uncle's house in Philly.

This is another one of my uncle's houses in Philly.

Another one of my favorite pictures. The hand in teh picture belongs to me. I was at NIU and angry about something. So as a stress reliever I played bloddy knuckles with my best friend, Scott. I did not loose, but I did get a bit bloody.

I thought that I could get the perfect picture of the George Washington Bridge while I was in New York. It's not bad considering that I was in a van.

I was attending a wedding in New York and I really loved the church in which the ceremony took place. This is the roof of the church right below the alter.

As you can see, getting the perfect pictuere is harder than it looks. I am not saying that these pictures are bad, not at all. These pictues are pretty good. But they are not PERFECT.

Here is my advice to anyone is trying to achieve the same thing that I am trying to achieve. I have been doing this for a while now and I will tell you what you will need to get a good, if not the perfect picture;

1. Patience-learn it, have it, use it

2. Practice a lot

3. A good setting

4. A good camera-usually helps

5. Take pictures of random things, dont think about them, just press the button

6. Finally, take pictures at random, dont wait for the perfect moment to come by. Be sparatic and you might be surprised at how well you did.



In case you are bored with this site, here are some of my favorite sites that are fun as well as educational:

BBC Gaming News Soccer