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"Términos de Ingreso" Gentileza de HDL

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El material escrito respectivo a " Hack & Crack", como asi tanbien de diferentes sistemas opertivos y sus respectivos propietarios, incluyendo los términos de ingreso al resto de las páginas están protegidos por el código 431.322.12 de el Acta de Privacidad de Internet, dictada por Bill Clinton en 1995: esto significa que no se puede amenazar, ni perseguir, o localizar a la persona/s o Compañía/s creadoras o asociadas con este material.

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Si usted no se apega a estos términos, entonces no entre.


The creator of this page or the ISP(s) hosting any content on this site take no responsibility for the way you use the information provided on this site. These files and anything else on this site are here for private purposes only and should not be downloaded or viewed whatsoever! If you are affiliated with any government, or AntiI-Piracy group or any other related group or were formally a worker of one you cannot enter this web site, cannot access any of its files and you cannot view any of the HTML files. All the objects on this site are private property and are not meant for viewing or any other purposes other then bandwidth space. Do not enter whatsoever! If you enter this site you are not agreeing to these terms and you are violating code 431.322.12 of the Internet Privacy Act signed by Bill Clinton in 1995 and that means that you can't threaten our ISP(s) or any person(s) or company storing these files, cannot prosecute any person(s) affiliated with this page which includes family, friends or individuals who run or enter this web site.

If you do not agree to these terms then leave.

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