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Alturiak: Rebirth - Player Worlds
Alturiak Server Rules

All rules must be followed or risk being jailed, temporary and/or permanent removal from the game depending on the situation.

• You may not Kill yourself to get rid of Player Killer Status. Doing so will result in jail time.

• Don't abuse any bugs. Major consequences will be in effect if you do this.

• Don't verbally abuse anyone.

• Do not ask administrators to be an admin, for a sprite change, for an item, or for anything that'll help out your character. If you are stuck and can't move because of a bug, tell us and we'll warp you to a same point on the screen to free you.

• Do not continuously harrass another player for items. If they say no, they mean no.

• Do not constantly PK (Player Kill) someone just to be a jerk. I realize that it IS part of the game, but ruining someone else's fun is NOT. You may PK someone a total of 3 times within an 8 hour period. However, if A specific someone already has the status of a PK'er, they are free game and it is not counted against your number of PK's on that player. Self- defense is also not considered part of the number of PK's against you. Self-defense issues will be determined by an Admin. Also, to kill yourself to rid yourself of PK status is wrong and punishable.

• Do NOT and I mean DO NOT EVER make racial slurs at ANYONE no matter what reason you might have. It's not appropiate, and not tolerated. A jailtime period will be given if this happens.

• Swearing is tolerated only to a certain point. Do not swear at someone constantly, and if they ask you to stop, please do. Please use swearing in moderation.

• No threatening in any way or form (except saying that you're going to PK someone). If you do, you will be assessed with a jail time penalty. If the case is serious, a ban may and will be considered.

• If a monster is trapping you in a corner and you can't get away, don't ask an admin to warp you out. You put yourself in the situation, and you have to get yourself out.

More rules may be added at a later date. Check often for updates on this page.