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Daniel J. Angelich


Edmund Fitzgerald

Items recovered from the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald, Fresnel lens, and the lighthouse at Whitefish Bay where the Edmund Fitzgerald went down.

Every November 10th, the White Fish Point Museum rings the bell that was recovered from the deck of the Edmund Fitzgerald 29 times for the crew that went down with the ship and one more time for the other ships that sank in the Great Lakes. Then the museum closes for the winter and re-opens in the spring. When the bell was re-coverd from the deck of the Edmund Fitzgerald, another bell was put in it's place with the 29 names and job titles each had at the time.

The Fresnel Lens - A parabolic type lens invented by French physicist Augustin Fresnel, commonly used in lighthouses throughout the world. Classified by size into six 'orders' based on the lens focal length. The First Order is the largest at 12 feet tall with a diameter of 6 feet and a focal length of 36 inches. The Sixth Order is the smallest at 2 feet tall with a diameter of 1 foot and a focal length of 5.9 inches. The majority of Great Lakes lighthouses used the 4th order Fresnel lens.

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