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Riot Frost



Main Page
Riot's Business (Frostbite Industries)
Riot Photos
Family History

Riot loves to cause chaos in the human realm on occasion when the mood strikes him. When he was little his demon had been suppressed due to the fact it nearly caused a great war that would have lasted for days. He had entered into a contract with Morianna a succubus contractor for the use of the women that she had. Breaking that contract Riot is now suffering by the hands of Morianna. Will he ever be free of her interference?. Riot loves to play the flute; he does so in private. Not even his family knows of his passion for the sweet lilting haunt of the flute; only three beings know of this passion he has and he will never tell another soul that he occasionally records his songs for some to hear. He is a hard head and tends to be a grouch at the most inopportune times. His demonic form however is quite the character. Black with yellow

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