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Dionysus Bloodstone


Talents: Excellent Archer, carries it all the time. Excellent Hearing ability can hear the silent movements of a mouse in the ground. Eagle sharp sight, can see up to 12x better than a human or other vampire.

History: Dionysus's mother Maragret Waynescott was a vampire who fell in love with a Demon name Micheal Bloodstone, they had a tenuous affair which resulted in Dionysus's birth.

Their affair was discovered and they were seperated. Margaret was shunned by her coven for the affair and so was Dionysus. Micheal Redstone didn't want the half breed vampire so he left Maragret to suffer the looks and whisperes.

Dionysus grew up alone with his mother, learning his own abilities and talents without guidance, he struck out on his own when he was 500 years old.

He rarely speaks but when he does his voice is raspy and seductive to females.

He never settles in one place, mainly because he is rejected by both mortals and Immortals alike. Though he has vowed to protect humans from their own, he is feared by them.

Most days he spends alone and on the road. When he does take time to stop it only lasts for a few days, then he is on his way again.

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