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Wetland Issues



Wetlands Issues

Does the amount of oil vary between the beginning, middle, and end of the Harvey Canal?

The effect of soil pH on the growth of wax myrtle plants.

The effects of excess nitrogen on the growth of invasive aquatic plant species.

The effect of motor oil on the growth of wax myrtle plants.

The effect of diesel on the growth of wax myrtle plants.

The effect of household cleansers on the growth of wax myrtles.

Does salinity affect hibiscus plant growth?

What kinds of deadly pathogens are found in the Harvey Canal?

How well do wax myrtle plants grow in sand?

The effect of acidity on plant germination?

How does the salinity of our local waters affect the growth rate of wax myrtle plants?

Do our local fishing waters contain the same amount of bacteria?

How does oil affect the growth of wax myrtle plants?

The effect of Harvey Canal water on lettuce seed germination


Human Health

Human Health

How does the power of suggestion affect children?

Which substance is most effective for cleaning teeth?

What are the effects of different amounts of fluoride on teeth?

Do name-brand antacids dissolve faster than their cheaper counterparts?

How does alcohol affect a lambs liver?

What are the side effects of chemotherapy? A survey of post treatment chemotherapy patients.

Do Name Brand Toothpastes Make Your Teeth Whiter?

What effects do common beverages have on your teeth?

The effect of alcohol on the human brain.

How safe is the drinking water in our local businesses?


Physical Science

Physical Science

Does the color of a collector determine the amount of solar energy absorbed?

Does the concentration of sugar used affect the mass of the crystals formed?

Does the pH of a detergent determine it's cleansing power?