By Winnie

Part 1


Friday, Nov. Third 1974

Captain Lee crane of the S.S.R.N Seaview looked around the control room at the faces; all were wearing the same look of worry and fear. They were waiting for Admiral Harriman Nelson to arrive.

They didn’t have to wait for long as he came hurriedly down the spiral staircase. "What’s wrong Lee?"

"We’ve been trying to get through to the Institute, sir. The only thing we keep getting is this message repeated over and over."

"What does the message say?" Nelson asked frowning.

"Sparks play the tape," Crane commanded.


"That’s all we can get over and over," Crane told Nelson.

"Have you tried Admiral Stark?"

"Sparks has been trying to raise the Diego since we got this message. All he gets is another message saying ‘The Base is temporarily closed’. No explanations, NOTHING, I don’t understand what’s going on."

"Sparks, "Nelson ordered, " get me the secure line to Admiral Stark and put it through to my cabin, Lee come with me. Chip you have the con."

All eyes followed the Captain and Admiral as they left the control room.

"Mr. Morton, sir, what do you think is happening?" Kowalski asked from sonar.

"I have no idea. Look, all we can do right now is wait till the Admiral finishes his call. Hopefully by then there will be some news." I only hope it’s good, he thought to himself.

Nelson and Crane entered the Admirals cabin and went to the videophone. He pushed the receive button and waited for his call to go through. When it did the signal was very weak and he could barely make out what was being said, "Harry...Sta. there. I.... on’t know if....... receiving this........I ...only hope you can. I will try" the interference seemed to clear up and his voice and image came through more clearly.

"Harry, thank God! Things are really bad here. We need help!"

"Jiggs what’s wrong?"

Jiggs Stark and Harriman Nelson had been friends for a long time and had been on a first name basis for years.

"Where do I begin? How long have you been out of contact?"

"We’ve been on radio silence for the past two months. You knew that. We had to hide the location of the research station. We were not to let anyone know where we were until it was completed," Nelson answered.

"I know Harry, it’s just so much as happened since you’ve been out of contact."

"Like what Jiggs?"

"Is Captain Crane there with you? He should hear this too," Stark said dismally.

"Here sir."

"Oh good Crane. First I hope you’ll listen to what I have to say before you decide what you want to do. Everything has gone to hell and then some. I keep trying to put off what I have to say because it is so devastating. You know me Harry, better than anyone. You know I don’t over react so here goes. About a month ago, six cargo planes crashed simultaneously in six major countries. The planes were carrying some unknown virus; it’s spread all over the globe. They’re calling it the Omega Strain."

Stark looked solemn as he continued with his tale, "We’ve had the best people from all over the world trying to find a cure. No luck. The president has been taken to his secret base and he is safe, so far. I know I’m not making much sense but I’m trying to give you the facts first and then I’ll answer any questions you have."

"Any idea where the planes came from?" Nelson asked.

"That’s the crazy thing, they showed up out of nowhere."

"Are there anywhere we can go safely?"

"Not that I know of. It seems to be everywhere," Stark said dishearteningly.

Nelson was unsure as to where to start, he had so many questions but it didn’t seem like there were very many answers. "Who have you got working on this and where are they?"

Crane listened with growing concern to what Stark and Nelson were saying and remained silent as Stark answered Nelson’s questions.

"We have Dr. Johanna Newburg from Sweden, Dr. Lewis French from Canada, Dr. William Reynolds from Washington, and Dr. Karl Strickland from Germany. As I said we went for the best. Their base of operations is Scott Research Station in the Antarctic. I think that’s the best place for you to go. From what we’ve seen so far, the Omega Strain doesn’t fare well in the cold. Don’t get me wrong, the cold isn’t a cure, it just slows it down somewhat. That’s why we picked Scott Station."

"Are you okay, Jiggs?" Nelson asked, concerned how Stark had been trying to hide his discomfort.

"I think I’ve come down with this bug, too, Harry. I was just going home when your call came through. Do what you can . Find a cure or we’re all finished. I’m getting so jumbled up Harry, thousands of people are dead in this country alone, close to a million are, all over the world! It seems like everyone is susceptible. Once you catch it, there seems to be no way for your body to fight it, and the harder the body does fight, the stronger this bug gets! I don’t seem to be able to think clearly anymore. Go on, Harry, find a cure."

"How long do you think you have, Jiggs?"

"It all depends. I’ve kept myself pretty healthy , so I guess I have a week or two before my body begins to shut down. Good luck Harry. Take care of your crew. I hope I ‘ll be able to see you again," tears streamed down Starks face as his image faded from the screen.

Nelson and Crane were speechless; neither knew what to say.

"I’ll get back to the control room and set a course for Scott Station," Crane said quietly.

"I’ll come with you. We have to tell the crew."

"How do we tell them? That their loved ones may not be there when and if we get back home?"

"There’s no easy way to tell them, but you know this crew they’ll do what has to be done. They’ve always come through for us before and they will now. Let’s go."

All eyes turned as one when Nelson and Crane descended into the control room.

"Chip,"Lee ordered firmly, " set a course for Scott research station on Antarctica. Flank speed. We have to get there as soon as possible. When you have the course laid in, I have an important message for the entire crew."

It was only a matter of seconds when Chip Morton said, "Course plotted and laid in sir."

Crane picked up the mike, and began making what he thought was the worst message he had ever delivered, while Nelson stood by to lend support, "Attention all hands. We have just had word from Admiral Jiggs Stark that will affect everyone aboard. There is no easy way for me to tell you this, but I know you will all agree that we have an important mission to perform." Crane could feel the absolute stillness of Seaview as the men stopped whatever they were doing to listen to what he was saying, " We don’t know if it was by accident or by design, but somehow there’s a virus that’s spreading throughout the globe. We know very little about this virus except that it’s been designated Omega Strain and it seems to be… fatal to anyone who catches it. There is no cure as yet. We are heading for Scott Research Station in Antarctica. That’s where the best scientists are searching for a cure… I know you are all worried about your families but there is nothing we can do until we get to the station. We cannot under any circumstances go back to Santa Barbara or dock anywhere else in the world until a cure can be found. That’s all. I will keep you posted if we hear anything else. Crane out," he was about to put down the mike and turned to see the devastated look on the faces of the men in the control room. "I’m sorry men." He added sadly.

Nelson looked at Lee Crane and said softly, "There was no easy way to do it Lee. They needed to know. I’ll be in my lab if you need me. How long till we get to Scott Station?"

"At flank speed we should be there in two days."



Admiral Nelson resolved to be in his lab working on all he knew about present day viruses and their cures. He didn’t know at all yet what they were dealing with, but he was determined to become more familiar with the situation they were facing and he knew it wasn’t going to be easy.

Lee Crane and Chip Morton were trying to keep the crew calm. Most of them understood what was going on, and that they would have to wait for word on their families, but there were a few men who didn’t want to go to Scott Station. They were the ones Crane was worried about. Nothing had happened yet but it was only a matter of time.

"Chip I’m going to have a talk with Martin and Davis. As far as I can tell they’re the only ones who seem disgruntled with how we’re handling the situation. You have the con."

I always have the con lately, Morton thought, and realized he was being irrational. He put it down to an overtired mind.

"Have them report to my cabin at once," Crane told him.

"Yes sir…do you want me to come with you?"

"No Chip, I think I can handle it alone." Morton always treats me like a child, he thought.

Chip watched his Captain and friend leave the control room and called Kowalski over.

"Ski, get Martin and Davis and escort them to the Captain’s cabin."

"Anything else sir?"

"Yes. Stay outside and make sure nothing happens. These two haven’t been with us long…"

"Do you think they’ll try something sir?" Kowalski asked worriedly.

"I just don’t want to take any chances," Morton replied.



Kowalski found the two new crewmembers sitting by themselves in the crew’s mess .

"Are you two finished?" he asked.

"Why? We just finished our shift , Ski. Don’t tell me our mighty Captain wants us to pull a double?" Davis said sarcastically.

"What have you two got against the Captain?" Kowalski asked not bothering to hide the irritation in his voice.

"He should have let us go back to our homes! If this is the end we deserve to spend the time with our families, not on some godforsaken continent where it’s too cold to stay outside for any length of time. He could have asked us for our opinion," Martin said angrily.

Kowalski’s eyes narrowed, "Well, that’s not how we do things on Seaview. The Captain has the final word unless the Admiral disagrees with what’s being done. Of course, if you two want to mutiny…." He left the rest unspoken.

"Who said anything about mutiny, Ski, we just want to go home," Davis said.

"Well you can tell the Skipper that yourselves. He wants to see both of you in his cabin. Now."

"Why would he want to see us?" Martin asked in a sly voice.

"That’s not for me to say, let’s go."

Martin and Davis followed Kowalski to Crane’s cabin. Ski knocked on the door.

"Come in," came Crane’s muffled voice. He looked up from his papers as the two men came in and closed the door. "Have a seat, I’ll be with you in a minute."

They sat down and quietly waited for Crane to begin.

"Okay," Crane said looking at the two men, " if you to have something to say, now’s the time. This is the only chance you get to say whatever is on your mind, and we’ll try our best to work it out between us. One more thing, what’s said in here stays here, so don’t be afraid of being placed on report. There’s too much going on, and I need every man doing his job. Understood!?"

Martin and Davis nodded.

"Very well, who wants to start?" Crane promted.

"I will," Martin said. "I just don’t understand why we can’t go home, sir."

"Fair enough. Reason number one: The virus seems to be airborne and if we were to surface in Santa Barbara or anywhere, everyone aboard could become infected."

"Couldn’t you surface off shore and let us have a dingy?" Davis asked quietly.

"We don’t know if Omega Strain is capable of traveling over water and therefore we can’t take that chance." He looked at the men and continued with his reasons for not going home. "Number two, time is of the essence, we have to get to Scott Station as fast as possible so Admiral Nelson can help with the efforts to find a cure. That’s the only way to really help your families. Number three: We need every man we have to help get the equipment set up in the lab and help get the cure out when it’s found. What I’m trying to say is we need your help."

"I...I don’t know what to say," stammered Davis.

"Just say you’ll help," Crane asked, I really shouldn’t have to explain the reasons for my actions, he thought.

"What happens if we say no? Do we go to the brig?" Martin asked.

"I don’t think that’ll be necessary. You will, however, be confined to your quarters. Then when we have the cure, you will be given your papers and asked to leave Seaview. I don’t want anyone on my boat that isn’t happy with the way we work. So it’s up to you."

"We don’t seem to have much choice, we certainly won’t get back in the Navy if we leave here on these terms," Martin whined.

Crane knew this was a man who would cause trouble; he would need to be watched.

"I want to remain with Seaview, sir," Davis said as he meekly looked at Martin.

"Thank you Davis, you may go," Davis rushed out the door before Martin could say anything else.

"I seem to be the only one with any backbone on this boat, Captain,"he spat.

"That depends on what you mean by backbone Martin."

"I want off this boat." He replied in a huff.

"Well that’s just not possible… Consider yourself confined to quarters for the remainder of this mission."

"That’s not fair!" He yelled.

"I have over one hundred men on this boat and you’re the only one making waves."

"NO! Davis felt the same until you bullied him into your way of thinking!"

"Martin," Crane spoke slowly and softly, "you were told there was no way off this boat till we reach Scott Station. You still insist that you want off. Well, I’m not taking a chance of you trying to sabotage Seaview to prevent us from arriving at our destination."Crane picked up his mike, "Security. This is the Captain. Come to my quarters and escort seaman Martin to his quarters."

Martin was seething. He stared at Crane and said coldly, "You will be sorry."

"Is that a threat Martin?" Crane said just as coldly. Martin didn’t have a chance to answer, as there was a knock on the door. "Enter."

The door opened and Patterson and Kowalski entered. Still looking at Martin, Crane said, "I want you to take Martin to his quarters. He’s to be placed under guard. Security will remain just outside his door. He is not to leave his quarters unless authorized by Mr. Morton, Admiral Nelson, or myself."

"Yes sir. Let’s go Martin." Patterson said.

Nelson came through the door as they left. "What’s going on, Lee?" He asked, his voice laced with concern.

"Martin didn’t want to continue on our course. He wanted to go home."

"You explained about the virus?"

"It didn’t seem to matter to him. I just hope it wasn’t a mistake to put him in his quarters with a guard rather that the brig."

"Is he the only one who felt that way?"

"No, but Davis finally accepts the situation. Without Martin’s influence he should be okay. I told them I wouldn’t put them on report, but I don’t know if that’s possible with Martin’s attitude. ."

"All right, Lee. We do it your way for now. If anything changes let me know at once."

Crane nodded and Nelson continued, "How long before we reach the station?"

"We should be there in approximately six hours sir."

"There’s not much more I can do in my lab without any samples so I guess I’ll get something to eat. Care to join me?"

"Sounds great." Crane said with a smile.



Sunday, Nov. Fifth 1974

Seaview was an awesome sight as she surfaced off the Antarctic coast. Her Captain was the first through the hatch, he wore heavy weather gear, which included a hooded black overcoat, fleece lined gloves, as well as goggles and a new mask designed by Nelson, designed to filter many known types of virus as well as other biological disease causing bacteria.

This would be the first real test for Nelson’s Mask.

Nelson and Morton followed wearing the same thing.

"See anything Lee?" Morton’s voice sounded muffled through the mask.

Crane lowered his binoculars and turned to the Admiral, "Nothing, maybe they haven’t had time to get here. It’s only been two hours since we radioed with our arrival time. Chip, see if you can contact them again. I’ll keep an eye out. Sir, why don’t you go back inside. No need of us both freezing."

How dare you order me around!Nelson thought, now, where did that come from? "Okay, Lee. I’ll send someone up to replace you in twenty minutes if you haven’t spotted anything," Nelson said through chattering teeth.

"Aye sir," Crane watched as his friends went back down into the warmth of the boat. He raised the binoculars and continued to scout the area. Chief Sharkey stuck his head up a few minutes later and told him someone was on the way from the station.

As far as the eye could see there was nothing but white in any direction. After fifteen minutes of jumping around trying to keep warm and watching for any movement, he thought he saw something to the west. Focusing his binoculars on the spot, he saw two yellow Arctic Snow Cats, coming slowly towards Seaview. Best equipment they could have down here. These heavy tank-like machines could travel over any surface and had plenty of room for people and equipment. He opened the hatch and went back down into the heart of his boat. Nelson came towards him fully dressed, "I was just coming up to relieve you," he said.

"No need, they’re on their way. I just spotted them coming from the west. They should be here shortly," he replied, removing the disgusting filtering system from his face.



Martin was alone in the aft crew’s quarters, except for the guard outside the door. They had arrived at Antarctica and he had to find some way to get the information to the People’s Republic. It had taken a long time for him to get on Seaview’s roster, and he had almost made a foolish mistake by arguing with Crane, but the man was so obstinate. Crane thought he knew everything. He would have to learn the hard way. Right now Martin had to find a way to use the radio without anyone finding out. He’d just wait till most of the command crew were at the station. The People’s Republic would take care of the rest.



The four newcomers in the control room were removing their heavy arctic weather gear and gas masks as introductions were being made.

"I’m Admiral Harriman Nelson. This is Lee Crane, Captain of Seaview and our XO, Lieutenant Commander Chip Morton."

"I’m so glad you made it ,Admiral. My name is Dr. Johanna Newburg. This is Dr. Lewis French. These other men were at the Station before this Omega Strain was released. They are Terry Mercer and Mike Squires. They drove us here in the snow cats. Most of your men will have to stay here, I’m afraid. We don’t have much room at the station."

Patterson and Kowalski came into the control room with a steaming pot of coffee and several cups.

"Where would you like this sir?" Pat asked, gritting his teeth at being turned into a waiter.

"Why don’t we go to the nose and have some coffee,"the admiral suggested, " I think you probably need to warm up."

"Yes, please, Admiral."

"We could be working together for a long time. Call me Harry."

"You’re right of course. First name’s it is," Newburg said and French smiled in agreement.

"Is Captain Crane joining us?" French asked.

"I think Captain Crane should sit in on this meeting. Commander Morton and Dr Jamison as well," Nelson determined.

Jamison had come into the control room at that moment and without a word followed the others into the nose of the boat.

"Lee close the crash doors," Nelson ordered. Lee did as he was told and they all grabbed their mugs of coffee and sat at the table. " The first thing I would like to know, is if you’ve had any word from the outside?" Nelson asked.

Newburg set down her coffee and began to speak sadly, "We heard from Admiral Stark. Things are getting worse. There seems to be some evidence that the Peoples Republic is involved; no confirmation on that as yet." Nelson and Crane looked at each other at the mention of The People’s Republic but said nothing. Newburg continued, " The death toll has reached almost two million worldwide. Stark himself is infected though he still seems able to fight it. They air dropped some samples of Omega Strain and we’ve been running tests. Lewis discovered that it affects the immune system by breaking down the body’s ability to fight infections. Dr. Williams is working with Dr. Strickland on a cure, but there hasn’t been any progress. That’s about all we can tell you right now."

"Have you found out anything about the symptoms?" Nelson asked glumly.

"We have been speaking with colleagues all over the world," French spoke for the first time, "and they all say the same thing. It starts by causing the infected person to become extremely irritable; therefore we believe it affects the brain in some way. The next step begins within a few days, the body can’t tolerate any intake of food or liquid and the body becomes weak. The final stage usually begins about ten days after the victim becomes infected."

"What’s the final stage?" Morton asked before any one else had a chance.

"The immune system starts to break down leaving the victim unable to fight off even the slightest infection. Red blotches appear on the legs and arms slowly spreading throughout the body, swollen glands, the throat constricts causing difficulties in breathing, then death."

Nelson saw the weariness he felt mirrored on the faces of the other five people in the room, everyone seemed to have lost interest in their coffee after what they had just heard.

"Any idea how long from the onset of Omega Strain till death occurs?" Nelson asked.

"Approximately a week to ten days,".French said in a tired voice. " We shouldn’t be wasting time here, we have to get back to the labs."

"Give us about an hour to pull together some equipment I think we may need, and we can leave. Why don’t you two come with me, just in case there’s something you might need that I’ve forgotten? Lee I want you with me."

"May I speak to you in private, sir?" Lee Crane asked in a serious voice.

Nelson saw the look on Crane’s face and turned to Chip Morton, "Escort Dr. Newburg and Dr. French to my lab, I will be there shortly." He waited till everyone had left and turned to his captain, "What’s wrong Lee?"

"I’m not sure. I could be overreacting, but I’d rather not take any chances, especially with the possibility of The People’s Republic being involved. I’d like to stay with the boat and make sure nothing happens. I have a hunch that Martin may be working with them and I want to keep an eye on things here. I don’t know anything about viruses or computers so I wouldn’t be much help to you at the station anyway."

Nelson knew Crane was probably just playing a hunch with Martin but he also knew his hunches often panned out, "All right Lee. Ask Chip to get his things together to meet me topside. I also want Sharkey and Patterson. I want to leave in one hour."

"Yes sir."