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The Meet

This page is dedicated to the "under the table" track meet put on annualy (in secret) by the 4 crazy Louisiana runners at the University of Georgia, Gregg Fell, Pat Gavin, Steve Geiser, and Garrett Smith. Considering how this meet isn't exactly kosher with the LHSAA, the "managers" (BC members), will be running it this year for the UGA boys instead of someone with a title that can be taken away. It's a lot of information to handle, so if you could please make sure to cooperate as much as possible as far as getting information to them and so forth, that would be great! THANKS!

The People Running the Meet

The Four Crazy Louisiana-UGA Boys



The Manager Girls

If you want to come to just spectate the meet and be a fan, please feel free to do so! We LOVE fan support!