3 - Man Paintball Tourney

3120 E. Burton St.
Sulphur, La. 70663

When- Saturday, July 1st, 2006

Where ELEMENT Paintball Fields
Time- 8:30am Captain’s Meeting

9:00am Games Start

$45.00 per Team

1st place – V-Force Masks

2nd place – Empire Jersey's

This is a bring your own paint and air tournament. We will have limited paint for sale and some air for sale. We will provide water,and have a concession stand. Each player MUST sign a waiver of release. Each team must turn in a roster, participation info sheet, waivers, and money.

Minimum: 5 teams Maximum: 15 teams

*ALL INFO. IS DUE BY June 28th, 2006*

Cash or Money orders only Make payable to: Rodney Jones

Call 540-5146 for any other info. or E-Mail: SHSgoalie04@hotmail.com

All proceeds go to Team ELEMENT