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V.2 No 2


Compression waves in a rod


1.  Rayleigh, J.W. Lond. Math. Soc. Proc., 17, 1887.

2.  Kolski, G. Stress waves in solids. Inostrannaya literatura, Moscow, 1955, 200 pp. (Russian, translated from English).

3.  Sedov, L.I. Continuum mechanics, vol. 2. Nauka, Moscow, 1973, 584 pp.

4.  Pfeiffer, P. Vibrations of elastic bodies. The All-the-Union Scientific and Technical Publishing, Moscow – Leningrad, 1934 (Russian; from edition: Handbuch Der Physik, band VI. Mechanik Der Elastischen Korper. Redigiert von R. Grammel. Berlin, 1928).

5.  Love, A. E. H. Some problems of geodynamics. Cambridge, 1911.

6.  Stoneley, R. Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 103 (1924), 416.

7.  Sobolev, S.L. Sur le vibrations d’un demiplan et d’une couche a conditions initiales arbitraire. Mathematical collection, 40 (1933).

8.  Pochhammer L., J. reine angew. math., 81(1876), 324.

9.  Chrec C., Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. 14 (1889), 250.

10.  Belyaev, N.M. Strength of materials. The Governmental Publishing of technical and theoretical literature, 1953, 856 p.

11.  Physical encyclopaedia, vol. 4. Sovetskaya encyclopedia, Moscow, 1965.

12.  Lakes, R. S. and Witt, R. Making and characterizing negative Poisson's ratio materials. IJMEE, 30, (2002) 1, 50- 58.

13.  Karavashkin, S.B. and Karavashkina, O.N. Bend in elastic lumped line and its effect on vibration pattern. SELF Transactions, 2 (2002), 1, 86- 100;

14.  Karavashkin, S.B. Exact analytic solutions of vibrations of infinite 1-D elastic lines with lumped parameters. IJMEE, 30 (2002), 2, 138- 154

15.  Karavashkin, S.B. and Karavashkina, O.N. Some features of vibrations in homogeneous 1D resistant elastic lumped line. SELF Transactions, 2 (2002), 1, 71- 85;

16.  Krylov, A.N. The ship vibration. The principal editorial of the ship-engineering literature, Leningrad - Moscow, 1936, 442 p. (Russian).

17.  Karavashkin, S.B. and Karavashkina, O.N. Exact analytical solutions for an ideal elastic infinite line having one heterogeneity transition. SELF Transactions, 2 (2002), 1, 60- 70;

18.  Karavashkin, S.B. and Karavashkina, O.N. The features of oscillation pattern in mismatched finite electric ladder filters. SELF Transactions, 2 (2002), 1, 35 - 47;


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