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V.37(2001) No 3, pp. 233 - 243

237 - 238

Transformation of divergence theorem

p. 237

Plot the diagram of vectorF.gif (853 bytes)(x, t)  space-time variation, remembering the progressive pattern of wave (7). Basing on the diagrams of F(x, t)  shown in Fig. 1, centre, we can easy determine deltabig.gif (843 bytes)fibigcut.gif (846 bytes)0i , since the integration amounts to a simple multiplying of  vectorF.gif (853 bytes)(x, t)  parameters at a picked out moment of time t  at a studied surface into the size of this surface. The obtained results calculated for the moments fixed in Fig. 1, left are shown in Fig. 1, right. As we can see from calculation, despite we used the conventional definition and method, the obtained value deltabig.gif (843 bytes)fibigcut.gif (846 bytes)0i  in general case does not vanish at the boundaries of the picked out regions. It is different both for all the surfaces  a1, a2, a3   and all the moments of time, though deltabig.gif (843 bytes)fibigcut.gif (846 bytes)0i  was calculated relatively to the surface a0 common for all the regions and simultaneously for all the picked out regions. The regularity deltabig.gif (843 bytes)fibigcut.gif (846 bytes)0i(t) shown in Fig. 2 reflects this peculiarity; it is plotted on the basis of calculation of Fig.1. As we see from Fig. 2, both amplitude and phase of fibigcut.gif (846 bytes)0i(t)  are different for the picked out regions, the same as these parameters are different for Gi(t)   whose regularity is shown in Fig. 3. The more, when diminishing the size of picked out region, the amplitude of Gi  increases. It confirms that the flux through a picked out region is time-inconstant in dynamical fields, and the fact of deltabig.gif (843 bytes)fibigcut.gif (846 bytes)0i   time-variation is conditioned not by the space parameters of flux, but namely by the progressive pattern of wave, which we can easy prove mathematically.

fig2a.gif (5866 bytes)

Actually, for any region picked out at a moment t  we have


(where deltabig.gif (843 bytes)xi = xi - x0  is the distance between the surfaces  ai  and  a0). Considering that in the studied case Vi = deltabig.gif (843 bytes)xiS, we obtain (8) for Gi as


Because the regularity Gi(deltabig.gif (843 bytes)xi) is conditioned by the finite velocity of the wave space-propagation, we can express deltabig.gif (843 bytes)xi  through the time characteristic of the wave delay deltabig.gif (843 bytes)ti:


p. 238

Substituting (11) into (10), we obtain


(where c is the wave propagation velocity). As we see from (12), both amplitude and phase of Gi depend on deltabig.gif (843 bytes)ti; it completely corresponds to the plot shown in Fig. 3. With it the specific flux amplitude depends on the ratio of sine of argument omegacut.gif (838 bytes)deltabig.gif (843 bytes)ti/2 to this argument, determining the first significant limit. It backgrounds that the inequality of flux to zero in dynamic fields is the objective fact.

fig3.gif (5717 bytes)

To determine the divergence on the basis of (12) in accord to (2), it is sufficient to find the limit of Gi at deltabig.gif (843 bytes)ti arrow.gif (839 bytes)0. Taking it for any of picked out regions at the moment t, we obtain:


Thus, similarly to the flux, the divergence of vectorF.gif (853 bytes)(x, t) does not vanish too, and Levitch’s expression (5) in the case of 1D flux and harmonic time-dependence of longitudinal vector vectorA.gif (856 bytes)(vectorr.gif (839 bytes), t)  will completely correspond to (13). On one hand it corroborates the result obtained by Levitch for the vector potential of dipole radiator, and on the other hand, it shows more general pattern of the result.

So we can state that at least for any 1D flux in dynamical fields the divergence of its vector does not vanish, being inconsistent with the conventional concepts basing on Poisson theorem.

We should note again, as we mentioned in the introduction, the difference between the obtained results and conventional concept is conditioned by the fact that in all the theorems proved before on the basis of divergence definition, in fact only stationary fields and stable fluxes were considered. While in dynamical fields, not only the density of space-distribution of the force lines, but also the wave propagation velocity, being finite and causing the phase delay, have effect on the value of divergence.


Contents: / 233 - 234 / 235 - 236 / 237 - 238 / 239 - 240 / 241 - 243