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Welcome to ScriptedMind software.
  I ScriptedMind personally write every peice of software
on this site and own and maintain this site.
All the software on this site has been tested, but it is still posible to miss some bugs.
  If for some reason you experience a problem with any software from this site please
feel free to email me at

Site News
I am proud to announce the release of 4 new programs.
  These programs are "Super Mah Jong Score Modifier" which allows you to change the
high scores on the Super Mah Jong game.
"Super Mah Jong Crack" which registers your Super Mah Jong game thereby
removing the session limit.
"Super Collapse Score Modifier" which alloys you to
change the high scores on the Super Collapse game.
"Super Collapse Crack" which registers your Super Collapse game thereby
removing the session limit.

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Site Design By: ScriptedMind